Monthly Archives: July 2011

Chris “Tingles” Matthews: GOP Is Like Wahhabists

The Daily Caller is there to watch MSNBC, so the rest of us do not have to (based on Matthews’ ratings, The DC might be the only one) The GOP gets called a lot of things on MSNBC, the so-called place for politics. But is it fair to call the Republican Party by the name […]

If All You See…

…is an fossil fuel powered car, you might just be a Warmist

Democrats Upset Over GOP Plans To Tighten Voting Laws

Obviously, any attempts to reduce voting fraud would handicap Democrats Democrats and Republicans are clashing in state capitals across the country as GOP-controlled legislatures push proposals to tighten voting requirements — a move prominent critics have decried as a throwback to Jim Crow laws. The proposals include measures in nearly three-dozen states to either require […]

Soros Funded Think Progrees Hyperventilates Over Bachmann Signing Family Leader Pledge

So, a bit of background The Family Leader, a prominent Iowa group that promotes Christian conservative social values, said Thursday it is asking all presidential candidates to sign a pledge regarding their personal convictions on traditional marriage. The pledge is entitled, “The Marriage Vow – A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family.” The organization’s […]

Uh, Oh, Arctic Is Ice Free

No, Really May, 1926: Explorers Find Open Water At North Pole — July, 2011: North Pole Solid Ice Read here. Explorers floating over the North Pole during May 1926 “saw much open water at the North Pole” from the dirigible Norge. C3 Headlines also points out that as of July 6th, there is no open […]

Why The Left’s Global Warming Message Is Wrong

An interesting video, via Jo Nova. It’s long, but worth it As the Youtube page says, please share it, which is “A debunking of the left’s global warming agenda, from Roy W. Spencer, former NASA climatologist and climate expert. For more on this topic, purchase his new Broadside, “The Bad Science and Bad Policy of […]

If All You See…

…is an evil iPhone destroying Gaia with greenhouse gases from energy usage, you might just be a Warmist

Apparently, There’s Some Deep, Hidden, Scary Meaning Behind “Constitutional Conservative”

The New Republic freaks out over Constitutional Conservatism and Michele Bachmann Michele Bachmann really wants you to know she’s a “constitutional conservative.” The term is featured prominently on her web ads. She mentioned it three times in her announcement speech. It’s in the first sentence of her official bio. But what exactly does it mean? […]

Light Bulb Ban Legislation May Hit House Floor Next Week, Shows Why Gov’t Barely Works

Looks like the GOP is going to attempt to make it so that those evil incandescent light bulbs won’t be banned starting in 2012 House Republicans plan to bring to the floor next week legislation that would water down a provision in a 2007 energy law that requires light bulbs to be more energy efficient. […]

Even Juan Williams Knows Michele Bachmann Is Winning

No tiger blood needed Do you get the sense that Michele Bachmann is under attack by the press? I do. And Rep. Bachmann is winning the fight. Actually, I think she has won this war, as the big negative stories from the media have mostly dried up, as they were looking really, really, really bad. […]

Pirate's Cove