Monthly Archives: July 2011

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled helicopter, you might just be a Warmist

Dear Speaker Boehner: Let’s Give Democrats The Old Tax Rates Back

(This is a letter and email that I have sent to Speaker Boehner, as well as to NC Senator Richard Burr and Congresswoman Renee Elmers, who will hopefully be my Rep. when redistricting is done, moving me to NC2, rather than Democrat Brad Miller in NC13. I’m also hoping that someone from one of their […]

Telling Climate Hysterics The Truth Is Like Salting Slugs: Necessary, But Fun

James Delingpole reminds the Warmists of a simple fact: there has been no statistical warming since 1998: There has been no global warming since 1998 The headline of this post really shouldn’t be controversial. It chimes perfectly with what Kevin “null hypothesis” Trenberth wrote in that notorious 2009 Climategate email to Michael Mann: The fact […]

Obama Reduced To Playing AA Ball

For those who aren’t familiar with minor league baseball, double A baseball is two steps below playing in the majors. Sometimes, a player will jump up and play in the majors, but, will usually be dropped back to AA for more development. And, as the Politico points out, Obama is basically playing small ball, terming […]

Obama Targets Jihadi “Suspects”

I’ll be honest, I don’t have any problem with this Usama bin Laden has been killed. The U.S. is poised to begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. And the Obama administration’s shift in counterterrorism strategy from land wars to precision strikes and raids is raising concerns that the White House has adopted a policy of targeting […]

Spotted Owl Must Be Saved….From Climate Change (Hoax)

Hey, it’s a spotted owl sighting! It has been two decades since the fate of a bashful bird that most people had never seen came to symbolize the bitter divide over whether to save or saw down the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest. Yet it was not until Thursday that the federal government offered […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fuel powered boat out to kill fish, you might just be a Warmist

Hooray! China’s Pollution Saved Us From Climate Change (Hoax)

Climate alarmists are really, really digging for an excuse to remain relevant China’s rapid industrial expansion may have halted global warming for much of the last decade, climate scientists claimed. They said sulphur pollution from China’s coal-fired power stations helped to keep world temperatures stable despite soaring greenhouse gas emissions. Burning coal releases carbon dioxide […]

Happy 2nd Birthday To The Economic Recovery!

One question: how’s that hopey changey thing working out for ya? Because even ABC News is wondering if you feel better yet: The Economic Recovery Turns 2: Feel Better yet? This is one anniversary few feel like celebrating. Two years after economists say the Great Recession ended, the recovery has been the weakest and most […]

Independence Day – Ronald Reagan

Because The H2 isn’t just about Big Boob Friday And, why yes, Obama does use July 4th to push for more money for the teachers (unions), for ObamaCare, and “green” energy, between saying Happy July 4th. Interestingly, the link for the speech isn’t even on the White House front page.

Pirate's Cove