Monthly Archives: July 2011

July 4th Is For More Than Believers In God Or Something

Because, damnitall, those far left progressive nonthiests are patriotic too! And they’ll spread awareness that they’re patriotic! And write missives telling people they’re patriotic. They’ll complain to everyone that they are patriotic. Just don’t ask them to fly the US flag, because that’s racist or something. And then there’s the whole “fundamentally transforming America” schtick.  […]

Why, Yes, Think Progress Blames Fireworks Cancellations On Globull Warming

Deep in your heart, you just knew someone was going to link Independence Day and globull warming. In this case, it’s George Soros funded Think Progress: Global Warming Hates The Fourth Of July As fossil fuel pollution heats the planet, one of the casualties is the traditional celebration of the founding of the United States. […]

Obama’s Weekly Address: “Oh, I Almost Forgot, Have A Nice 4th Of July”

The conversation for NMP Obama’s Weekly Address probably went something like O.: I want to yammer on about corporate jets Staff: OK, that’s good, because Americans are really concerned about them. You should probably mention Independence Day O.: You mean that right wingnut holiday? Is that this weekend? What’s it about? S.: It’s Monday, Mr. […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Mr. (Not My) President

I’m a little lazy with the headline for this video from the NRSC, though I did manage to add two extra words and some ( ) into the mix Via Ace.

Britain Can’t Meet CO2 Targets Due To Globull Warming Cold

Can we call it a religion cult yet? The UK’s greenhouse gas emissions are not falling fast enough to meet government targets, say advisers. Emissions rose by 3% during 2010, says the Committee on Climate Change (CCC). This was due to extra energy demand in cold weather; but the general trend is flat, which is […]

If All You See…

…is water being wasted when the whole world is in drought, you might just be a Warmist

Bummer: Globull Warming May Affect California Wine Country

Are you ready for another deep scientific study on the climate change hoax? (LA Times) In the next 30 years, high-value vineyards in Northern California could shrink by 50% because of global warming, according to a new Stanford University study released Thursday. Applying scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, scientists used a climate […]

Senator Thune On The Best Way To Meet With Obama

Could the GOP finally have gotten the clue, after Obama’s snit fit acting like a 5 year old not allowed to get a new My Little Unicorn presser, that it is time to take the gloves off? One of the Senate’s top Republicans on Thursday fired back at President Obama for questioning his party’s work […]

Pirate's Cove