Monthly Archives: July 2011

If All You See…

…is evil beef which creates greenhouse gases, you might just be a Warmist

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous, yet hot, day in America. Time to head to the lake to cool down. We’ve gone a bit old school with this one by TN Thompson from the early 1950’s, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Congratulations to the Troglopundit on […]

NY Times Blames The Deficit On……..

….if the first thought that came to mind was “enormous and reckless spending by Obama and the Democrats,” well, sorry, nope, uh uh, you have to go back to the B and T words With President Obama and Republican leaders calling for cutting the budget by trillions over the next 10 years, it is worth […]

Wolf Whistling Parrot Caught, Charged With Sexism

OK, I made up that last part. They’ll propably charge the owner. From Less than a mile as the crow flies from where a woman said she spotted a bear Wednesday, another woman spotted another exotic South Jersey visitor Thursday and has photographic proof. “My friend heard this whistling all day but she ignored […]

If All You See…

…is an evil cat using up too much of Gaia’s resources, you might just be a Warmist Doubleshot for Caturday below the fold, a bit more risque

Norway Killer Was Obviously A “Right Wing Extremist”

Anyone think the AP would term the guy an Islamic extremist or left wing extremist if he was? The 32-year-old suspected of massacring at least 80 young people at a summer camp and setting off a bomb in downtown Oslo that killed at least seven is a mystery to investigators: a right-winger with anti-Muslim views […]

Remember, When The Weather Is Hot, That’s Proof Of Globull Warming

And when it is very cold and snowy…..well, the Warmists are blaming that on anthropogenic global warming nowadays, too. Latest to push the meme is Andrew Revkin “Living with the greenhouse effect” was the subtitle of my October, 1988, cover story for Discover Magazine — my first lengthy exploration of the science pointing to a […]

NY Times: Hey, Obama Should Violate The Constitution And Raise The Debt Ceiling

Well, as to the first part, op-ed contributors Eric A. Posner and Adrian Vermeule state that it would be perfectly Constitutional, and offer an extremely dubious rationale PRESIDENT OBAMA should announce that he will raise the debt ceiling unilaterally if he cannot reach a deal with Congress. Constitutionally, he would be on solid ground. Politically, […]

Why Does Obama Hate Drunk Illegals?

Actually, I have to give him kudos for deportations Huge increases in deportations of people after they were arrested for breaking traffic or immigration laws or driving drunk helped the Obama administration set a record last year for the number of criminal immigrants forced to leave the country, documents show. The U.S. deported nearly 393,000 […]

Bummer: Nations Might Cease To Exist Due To Climate Change (Hoax)

This is exactly the type of hysteria one would expect from US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice lashed out at countries – unnamed – that were blocking progress. She told the meeting that “dozens of countries … whose very existence is threatened” by climate change had asked the council to […]

Pirate's Cove