…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, and are laughing because it is stuck, but fuming because it is ruining the sand, you might just be a Warmist
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In a bikini like that she had every guy within 2 miles offering to help. She was probably stuck for all of 5 seconds.
Teach, what is it with you and gorgeous ladies who are stuck? unable to move? tied up, so to say?
Are you one of “those” kind of people?
heheheheee.. not griping.. just appreciative. heh.
Otis, I heartily agree. A woman with very little clothes on who appears to be in need of attention would get it.
Hmm, I might have the theme for next week: women who are stuck :)
What, nobody notices the piece of garbage car going where it should be in the first place plus the gal is a blonde.
Maybe a joke in there someplace??
Do we have to wait till next week for this new theme, Teach? Awwww…
Nice car and women driver ;-) I love the beach.
who would even think to take such a shoebox out on the beach? That’s like wearing flip flops in order to climb Mt Hood.