Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Mal, Did you stop studying physiology in the 50s? Do they not teach science in Louisiana? So is an infant…” Feb 22, 17:07
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Ahem… a whole year missing. “Wanna hear a fun fact? Last year the IRS collected 4.7 trillion in taxes. @doge…” Feb 22, 17:04
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site is provided without permission from the copyright owner, only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes, without permission of the copyright owner.
I blame the gophers.
Well….. if this goes through the comments are fine.
I think you are still having server issues as I couldn’t connect to your site a couple of times today.
But I just haven’t found anything to comment on other than to say “you nailed it.”
(Which is not a good thing to say on the “You might be Warmist” series. ;) )
Too depressed to talk. Agree with what you are saying. It is time to act.
Funny you should mention that, Brian, I just watched most of Caddyshack last nite.
Yeah, I just emailed them again and asked if they were going to fix the bugs already. Had been mostly good.
Here’s that should raise your spirits, David: Obama’s consession speech in Nov 2012
Have not been able to access your site of late and I am always grumpy and pissed off but not at you, Teach!