In what will surely be the first of many liberal smear jobs as we approach the 10th anniversary of 9.11, Politico’s Elizabeth Drew goes with A 9/11 anniversary misremembered
With events planned to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, including elaborate ceremonies in New York, a three-day commemoration at the National Cathedral and television specials with Olympics-level promotion, one wonders how likely it is that, among all the observations, the truth about the events of Sept. 11 will be told. The inescapable conclusion is that it is very unlikely.
The country has been living with obfuscations and even deceptions about those events for nearly 10 years and has largely accepted the mythology about what happened on Sept. 11 and in the months leading up to it. The myths have made heroes of officials who had failed, as shown by a group of respected people in a widely read report, to take all possible steps to ward off the attacks.
You can guess where she’s going, right?
Inescapable evidence that three of the nation’s top leaders — President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice — fell short in their job of protecting the country from attack by al Qaeda was chillingly presented in the 9/11 Commission Report, issued in July 2004. Though this report was on The New York Times Best Seller list for 19 weeks and sold more than 1 million copies, there has been a general lack of understanding of its findings. This nonfiction account, deliberately written as a novel rather than as yet another dry and unreadable government document, offered a compelling narrative of the harrowing events of that day — and also of what actions were not taken before the attacks.
Can you guess who’s names were never mentioned in the story? That’s right. Names like President William Jefferson Clinton and Jamie Gorelick were conspicuously absent. You remember them: Clinton was the president during the time when al Qaeda was plotting and training the attack, coming and going from the United States, learning to fly jets, doing dry runs. Gorelick was the deputy attorney general under Clinton who put in the famous wall between law enforcement and intelligence. How about the people in charge of intelligence and law enforcement during the Clinton years? Not mentioned.
Other information showed that the president and Rice ignored clear and urgent warnings from the CIA of imminent attacks. Before the report was issued, commission co-chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton said in interviews that the attacks might have been prevented, but they came under such a ferocious reaction from the administration that they subsequently backed off such statements. The Bush White House practice of attacking those who said inconvenient things also led to efforts to discredit terrorism expert Richard Clarke, who had served in counterterrorism positions since the administration of George H. W. Bush and persistently warned of the dangers posed by al Qaeda.
So…..Clinton ignored Richard Clarke (who, as those of is in Reality Land remember, became a primadonna post 9/11) for 8 years? Anyhow, here we go with one of the dumbest of dumb mainstream liberal memes yet again
The most disturbing evidence of unheeded warnings was the Aug. 6, 2001, Presidential Daily Briefing titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.†The report warned that Osama bin Laden was taking actions “consistent with preparations for hijacking or other types of attacks.†Bush, who received the report at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, took no action. Nor, apparently, did anyone else. Rice later told the commission that this PDB “was historical in nature,†and “was not a warning.†She insisted that this PDB (which followed several others about al Qaeda) consisted of “information based on old reporting,†and “did not warn against any possible attacks inside the US.â€
Once again, I’ll ask liberals to point out specifically what could have been done with that PDB to stop the attacks? The Islamist animals were not allowed to be profiled at the airports. They were mostly all in the country already. Their plan was in place and ready to be implemented. You know, the plan that really started back on February 26, 1993, with the bombing of the World Trade Center, and the emergence of al Qaeda. Clinton had 3 opportunities to take Bin Laden out, which would have put a big crimp in AQ’s operations and money flow.
And let’s not forget that Sandy Berger had Richard Clarke put together a report showing that al Qaeda was on American soil and ready to attack. That was in early 2000. And part of the documents Berger stuffed down his pants and stole.
Anyhow, there is plenty more blamestorming, attempting to provide some red meat to the unhinged left with 9/11 next Sunday. Obviously, George Bush gets the most, including some whines about his macho stance in NYC when he said “I can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon”, a quote that Elizabeth gets wrong, which “produced cheers of, “USA, USA, USA.†You can just picture her sneering at this open display of patriotism, can’t you? She also whines about post 9/11 actions. As one Politico commenter writes: This is a academic hit piece, boarding upon revisionist history writing.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

[…] Politico Upchucks Tired Old Liberal 9/11 Memes Anyhow, here we go with one of the dumbest of dumb mainstream liberal memes yet again […]