Via The Right Scoop comes this exchange between Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter (though I’m using the video via Weasel Zippers, as searched on Youtube)
That’s some of what I’ve been saying. Sure, she can announce at the last minute, but, really, does she have a campaign staff ready? Campaign apparatus? Yes, people have announced at the last minute, such as Bill Clinton, as pointed out at the Right Scoop. But, Palin resigned as Alaskan governor for a few reasons, one of which, everyone assumed, was to run for President. Again, I’m a huge fan of Palin’s, but, I think if she was serious about running, she would have jumped in months ago. Guess we’ll see.
Weasel Zippers calls this “Palin fatigue”.
More: The Lonely Conservative says somewhat the same thing.
Smitty at The Other McCain discusses the issue, including Erick Erickson’s, dare I say, whiny “Enough” post.

[…] All The Brave Whiners On Palin”. Whoops, I meant critical.Teach sounds like he’s at the end of his rope.Category: Red State, Sarah PalinComments /* DAN COLLINS: Having failed at economics, now Paul […]
Enough with all these “I’m a huge fan of Palin’s, but…” whiny-ass posts and comments. If you’re tired of her, move on to something else. If you don’t support her, find someone you do. Why are you so worked up because she hasn’t told you her decision yet? What difference does it make when she announces her decision? Get a grip.
The “blondes” say Sarah Palin hasn’t done the heavy lifting required of a serious candidate?
Are you f***ing kidding me?
She has done more heavy lifting in the last three years than all the other pretend candidates combined.
Who was it that said Obamacare had “death panels” and put a knife into the heart of that piece of crap legislation? (and took all the heat for it?)
Who was it that went to the first Tea Party Convention and gave a speech praising the Tea Party and smaller, smarter government, bringing all the national TV audience and some legitimacy to the movement when all the right wingers were bitching about the organizer “making money” and deciding not to attend?
Who was it that has gone after Obama continuously from 2008, even during the 2008 election, while the pussy Republicans have said …. “oh, we can’t go there, that’s mean and nasty…. its polarizing…. to be talking about Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, etc.” ?
Who was it that coined “the lame stream media” and went after the liberal, left wing biased media, knocking down the myth that you had to play ball with them which gave at least some of those same Republicans the guts to stop kissing the LSM buttocks and start to push back?
Who was it that gave the people that make up the Tea Party the courage to finally think about going to those town halls and marching and saying like her…. “No, we won’t sit down and shut up” while the Republican Party and its butt kissing pundits all laughed at and smeared the Tea Party?
I can go on, but why bother? If you can’t figure this out because your brain can’t hold a memory longer than two weeks, who cares about you anyway?
Oh, and I get the meaning of “heavy lifting” now as it pertains to Ingraham and Coulter….. you mean the heavy lifting of lobby money from the lobbyist wallets or crony corporate capitalists.
Or the lifting in Coulter and Ingraham’s cases of money from the few thousand people who still continue to buy their books.
Okay… now I understand. Its because Sarah isn’t being bought now for favours later like all the other candidates. She is not playing ball with the rules of the game as established by the Establishment. How terrible she isn’t doing what they want her to do.
P.S. I’ll clue you in to why her supporters are so tough on anyone who says even something slightly negative about her…. because the Republican pussies and right wing pundits abandoned her when she was most heavily under attack in 2008 and 2009. So we have decided to “have her back” so to speak so that it never happens again. EVER.
Phillip, if you look back, I’ve supported her through thick and thin. But, sooner or later, one has to shit or get off the pot. IMPO, she’s waited too long.
And therefore…?
Shrug. You’re of course welcome to your opinion. Might even be right. Might be looking pretty silly in a couple weeks too.
I’m going to gamble on your looking silly.
But really, I find this whole argument kind of silly. She says ‘yes’ or she says ‘no’. Since Reagan did not announce until Novemember, and yet somehow managed to win, and we’ve been told that Internet time is faster than pre-Internet time (generally true, I think), I favor telling the ‘Are we there yet?’ crowd to stop hitting their sister, and if they don’t be quiet, we adults are going to turn the car around and ‘Drive All The Way Back Now!’
I hope I look silly, and she does well. I’m not a big fan of Perry, Romney is rather squishy, but I am a Bachmann fan. The rest of the field stinks.
Reagan didn’t tease for 6 months to a year, though.
You’re a Bachmann fan; so that explains your impatience. I’m guessing you’re afraid that Sarah Palin will siphon off $upport from Bachmann. You could be right. This is a big fear of all those who are whining about Sarah now. They claim she’s “teasing” everyone, but the fact is that she has not been dragging this out; the media and her detractors have. THEY WANT HER DECISION NOW, dammit! Why should she have made her decision and announced it 6 months to a year ago? She has said right along that she’ll announce her decision this month. You’ll just have to wait.
I like Bachmann; I’ve contributed to her in the past. But this just isn’t her time, just like it wasn’t Reagan’s time in 1976. Her time will come.
Thank you kitty. I’m way past tired of the whining about Palin not formally announcing she’s running. If this upsets potential supporters they should just move on to a declared candidate. Palin will have to deal with the consequences of her timing – if only the Ann & Lauras of the GOP would put a sock in it.
Yeah, Palin, you need to shit or get off that post…
dang Teach… going for the sexual innuendos today!?!?
Agree. If the field were smaller, and fewer have announced, then this wouldn’t be an issue right now. But as we already have a huge field, and many have been running as candidates for nearly a year now.
At this point, the only person of interest is Bachman. She is the only candidate right now.
The others? RINOS. Massive RINOS.
NC primary isn’t until Mid May.
Way to early to get our bowels in an uproar.
But.. but.. but.. I WANT IT NOW!!! Now garsh-darnit!
I mean… all the Dems have thrown their hats in too. We know who will be running for prez on the Socialist side.
oh, yeah.
Then it should be easy to name the bills she has introduced or voted for in the House, the Senate, or signed as a governor.
What would those bills and laws be?
If she has done the “heavy lifting” like other candidates, what bills has she vetoed? Helped propose?
When the debt debate was going on, can you point me to the pages of the Congressional record where her comments can be found?
You can’t, so the question is “what heavy lifting has she done?”
I really am curious to know what she has done other than stay on the sidelines and criticize others. Unfortunately, she has become like the fan in the stands, criticizing or offering her opinion on everything she sees on from the upper deck. From the cheap seats, Palin knows everything. It is easy to play to the crowd around you and have your name cheered when you scream “HE MISSED THE TAG! HE MISSED THE TAG!”
Yet when it comes to put her name in the ring to be a coach or manager, or even to get in the ballgame, she bails. She would rather be out on a history tour, or signing books, or being on a reality show, or holding pep rallies like the cheerleader she once was.
And to be honest with you, that is fine. If she wants to be a talking head, a pundit, or a political cheerleader, she should. That is truly her gift.
But vote for her as a president?
No way. That boat has sailed.
You say that she has done “the heavy lifting” for the past three years, but the fact of the matter is that Obama did more as a Senator in the two years before he ran for president than Palin has done in the last three. At least he voted “not present.”
(And we know how that turned out.)
People want a president that is decisive and can make decisions.
Palin apparently cannot.
Dang teach.. up, down, up, down… those rising seas getting to your server-gerbils?
I have always wondered why Palin resigned from the Governorship. She had so much more to do there and could really pile on the credibility. But, she said she resigned for family.. but.. seems to me she has been away from family more now than then.
I don’t shame Palin for not doing anything government-wise while she has been on the *?*-trail.
Think about it, whenever the politicians do … something… we the people usually get screwed out of it. The less the government does, local or fed, the more powers and freedoms we keep.
And, to counter your argument a bit Gitarcarver….. see how much MDKPL Obama has done of late? Doing “something” doesn’t necessarily make a good politician.
Well, I like Bachmann and Santorum too.
I don’t think its a tease. I see the vague outlines through the smoke and fog of the future, Sun Tzu and the superexcellence of generalship, which is to defeat your enemies without fighting.
That was pretty good. Very funny.
Oh, wait, you were serious…..
[…] the clip – what do you think?Via MediaiteUpdate: Linked by Man Are We Screwed, The Pirate’s Cove and The Other McCain – thanks!Update: Poh Diaries linked and walked the tight rope – […]
You just made my point for me. While the Palin supporters here said she has been doing the “heavy lifting,” the fact is she hasn’t done anything because no one knows what she is doing.
Yep. And I notice the lack of a rebuttal from you.
I don’t mind Palin doing what she is doing. That is fine. She is free to make her own choices. But don’t sit there and say that a person who has done nothing but criticize others has been doing any lifting, much less “heavy lifting.”
She should stick to what she is best at – and that is not running for president.
Gitarcarver, … no heavy lifting?!?!
Come on. Look at that physique?
Some people have been elected for less. For color if I recall recently. And, for looks of late.
Well I’m certainly glad we got that settled.
Why do you care if she announces or not, when you already have you chosen candidate?
Whether Sarah announces or not, i will absolutely support for her.
If you are not supporting Palin, then look for your candidate and stop bashing her.
The moment Ms. Palin announces, i will donate my one month hard earned salary to her PAC to ensure her victory.
If she is irrelevant, why are you always talking about her. That her right whether she will run or not. Stop speculating otherwise you will just be frustrated.
This lady is perfectly brilliant and smart.
Well I maybe we didn’t.
For those saying Palin hasn’t done any “heavy lifting” …
*cough* 2010 *cough* …
Check out her batting average for picking & supporting candidates.
By the way, she was able to operate as a free-agent in the 2010 races instead of being shackled by incessant, vapid ‘ethics’ claims.
Her resigning from the Alaska governorship, turned out to be a benefit, not a bug.
Palin had coattails in 2010, without even being in a race.
Why does everyone say she’s teasing? It’s not like she’s ever kept her intentions a mystery; she’s always stated that she’ll announce her decision end of September, end of story.
It’s just the media that constantly asks her over and over at every possible moment if she’s going to announce right then and there, and she just repeats what she said before. It’s not her fault people can’t take an answer.
And that is “heavy lifting” how? Are you really trying to say that acting as a talking head or pundit is “heavy lifting?”
Is that what this has come down to? “She supported a candidate so that makes her presidential material? Her choices of Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell weren’t exactly stellar, were they?
The people that think we are “bashing” Palin simply don’t understand what is being said. Palin is un-electable. As has been pointed out, her negatives in polling are insurmountable, despite her “poles are for strippers” quip.
Palin serves a purpose to the right. She should stick to that purpose instead of being a distraction. At some point her flirting and teasing hurts the conservative cause. For her not to realize that says a great deal about her political savvy and ability to actually make a decision.
Sarah Palin came to a fork in the road and took a path away from the White House. That is her choice and that is fine.
Oh, and by the way, Palin has said that September is the “drop dead date” to enter the race. That is not the same thing as “I will announce my intentions to run or not in September.”
Let’s put that meme and example of teasing to rest.
Wow, the palin supporters came out of the woodwork on this post.
If you guys recall, many of us “iffers” now were supporters of her in the beginning. We wanted her to really make and affirmative stand on whether she was running or not.
To me, her not stating, is a tease, or a bad sign of a trouble making decisions. If you believe this country needs a new leader and you believe that you have the right decisions to lead it… then put your hat out there. Just trouncing everyone alone, the media, the electorate, the fans, …. to me sends a bad message. It is worse to me than voting present as she is choosing to not vote at all.
If you want to continue to pull and prod from behind and in front of the scenes, fine. Be the pillar of the house. But, let us know that is what you are going to be doing.
And no, she has mentioned several times over the last few months that she will be making a major announcement “soon”.
I’m a fan, but losing interest daily.
If Palin was serious about running, she would have announced months ago. Playing this game with media, screwing with them, was great, but, it became a stale joke months ago when it was time to be serious about whether or not she’d run. She’s had years to get it togw5get, and waiting till the last moment to jump in is not being serious.
On the other hand William Teach seems to have solved the “no commenters” problem.
I can see some facts are need here.
1. I believe October 31 is the first deadline to get on the ballot in one of the states. No, I don’t remember which one. Other states’ deadlines start coming fast and furious AFTER that. That’s right, OCTOBER 31.
2. Check out this video, which contains the dates former presidents announced their candidacies.
3. Conclusion after the facts have been laid out? Palin is not too late.
And my added commentary is that anyone who says she is is being led around by the nose by the MSM. They are the ones who have been crying “tease” for months. And you fell for it.
Actually, if you recall, while some of our ( shall we say teaser-deniers?) issues with Palin is with her “lateness”…. it is also with her “teasing”. As I said earlier, the teasing to me suggest an inability to commit. If she can’t commit herself to the cause that she feels so strongly about she has to go from campaign stop to campaign stop in a huge plaquered bus, then I don’t need her.
She said we would know by end of September. It is not end of September. Pretty simple really. Why is this so hard to understand?
I think we should leave the ‘unelectable’ argument for you know, the voters.
I guess you missed Palin’s early teaparty support with appearances, as well her Madison speech prior to that fiasco.
Carrying your bags through an airport really sucks when you don’t have an entourage.
In addition, for all that you & I see on the surface, there is plenty we don’t see.
And for every ODonnell & Angle you toss up, I can counter with a West, Ayotte & Haley.
As well, it was a running joke, Palin would endorse, and the rest would follow, ie Romney.
Early and or initial, endorsements show decisive judgement.
As I said, batting average.
“Heavy-Lifting” in politics means sticking your neck out, or did you forget the death-panel post that flipped the healthcare debate?
… and yes, IPAB is a death panel.
As to her waiting game, it strikes as though Palin is rather familiar with Sun Tzu.
As to her waiting game, it strikes as though Palin is rather familiar with Sun Tzu.
She said we would know by end of September. It is not end of September. Pretty simple really. Why is this so hard to understand?
If she doesn’t know if she wants to “fix” this nation, or represent this nation, by now, …. how long will it take her on other important decisions. She made her resignation decision RE: her governorship rather fast tho.
Just sayin.
Resigning the guv-ship & letting Dem slime machine crumble under it’s own weight, was not a short process.
Just because it was surprising to those of us not in her actual head, doesn’t mean the decision wasn’t belabored over.
Just sayin…
So, are you saying that she might have been “thinking the decision over” even before she was picked for VP?
And, I never could buy that she resigned due to “potential slime”. True conservatives never cut-n-run. Only RINOS do that.
You and other Palin supporters are making the assumption that the world has not changed in the last years. To put up when candidates announced and the date of election has nothing to do with this election. The fact of the matter is that Palin is sitting in the bleachers and the game is already being played.
I think we should leave the ‘unelectable’ argument for you know, the voters.
She isn’t even carrying Republican voters. Her negatives are so high that she is un-electable.
And for every ODonnell & Angle you toss up, I can counter with a West, Ayotte & Haley.
You don’t get West. West was elected in spite of Palin, not because of her. But once again, you show the problem. You throw out some talking point and when it is debunked, you shift the goalposts. That is what Paul’s supporters do as well. While I appreciate your support of her, the fact of the matter is that instead of energizing her base, she has alienated a good part of it. Her numbers are trending down.
Early and or initial, endorsements show decisive judgement.
So you really believe that picking a horse is the same decisive judgement as being a jockey? It is stunning to watch people say how decisive she is when she won’t announce one way or another. That is waffling to the fullest extent of the word.
“Heavy-Lifting†in politics means sticking your neck out, or did you forget the death-panel post that flipped the healthcare debate?
No, I don’t remember the death panel post that flipped the health care debate because it didn’t happen. Other people had noted the death panels and were commenting on them. So please, stop trying to give credit where none is due. I will grant that she helped energize the base on the health care issue, but she has allowed that base to erode. In days past she would have had 5 or 10 thousand people at every stop. Her last stop in Iowa was 2,000 people.
Resigning the guv-ship & letting Dem slime machine crumble under it’s own weight, was not a short process.
Here’s the problem with that scenario. Palin resigned because she didn’t want to be a distraction. She left saying there were other things to do. And what have those other things been?
-being a talking head.
– writing a really bad book
– appearing on a reality show
– renting a bus and going around the country.
Yep. That is why you resign a position – to go on a vacation.
The second problem with the narrative is that no matter how you slice it, when you say “Palin is a fighter,” the left counters with “she quit on the people that last elected her.”
And they are right.
I would have no problem if Palin had left to take on bigger fish. As it was, she became a fan in the stands – with the appearance of being too scared and too gutless to actually get in the game.
She is great in what she is doing now. She should stick with that because it doesn’t appear that she has the ability or desire to play on the big stage.
She should stick with that because it doesn’t appear that she has the ability or desire to play on the big stage.
THAT’S the word I was trying to come up with. DESIRE.
Her lack of getting in to the game to me shows a lack of desire for the presidency. Does she have a desire to stay in the game? Most definitely. Can she be a great cheerleader and money-raiser? You bet. Does she exude that feeling that above all else, she DESIRES to be president and fix this nation?!?!
Saying she might possibly make some kind of decision in the future perhaps… does not give me a sense of desire and want.