Just imagine had it been a Republican who was involved with the Solyndra disaster. The media would be all over it, as well as covering the Congressional inquiries. And from GOP.com we get
WASHINGTON –Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement calling on the Obama Administration to come clean on its dealings with the bankrupt green firm Solyndra which has left taxpayers on the hook for over $500 million:
“As the FBI and Energy Department expand their investigation into solar energy company Solyndra, it is time for the self-proclaimed most transparent White House in history to release all documents related to their involvement with the failed government-backed company.
“If this administration is serious about being the most transparent in history, it will make available to the American taxpayer the details of Solyndra’s failure. With the President traveling the country touting his Stimulus II plan, it is important to understand the lessons from his first Stimulus. A year ago, he made Solyndra the supposed poster-child for stimulus success After laying off 1,100 workers, wasting over $500 million in loan guarantees and becoming the subject of an FBI investigation, Solyndra is now the prime example of stimulus failure.
“Solyndra’s downfall puts a spotlight on the kind of taxpayer-funded cronyism this White House said it would eliminate. After bundling tens of thousands of dollars for President Obama and his campaign, company officials were granted at least 20 visits to the White House and had Energy Department officials sitting in on company board meetings. Before taxpayers are forced to spend another dime of stimulus money, the White House must explain why they were so reckless the first time around.â€
For background on the developing Solyndra scandal please see the following briefing from RNC Research: http://bit.ly/mZFiIi
Good luck with that, Reince. This White House will never come clean. Besides, we all know that intentions count more than results, right?

Good luck with that because we know that this administration is the most honest, open, truthful, diligent, efficient, federalist and most transparent administration ever and there can’t be any, ANY, thought of wrongdoing. Even if something was done wrong, it was not done in wrong thought, and it would be racist and discriminatory to say their actions were conducted with illegal intent.
Interestingly, I’m not sure how much some Dems would object to the investigation. Many elected ones are seeing Obama drag them down, and they want to keep their jobs.
Why? Because of what I said.
Recall Teach, how many corrupt Dem pols claimed their innocence up and down? Claiming racism even when their own party would investigate their actions?
Like I said, there is no capability of wrong doing in the liberal\socialist party members. If you think what they are doing is wrong, then you are the one that is wrong, racist, and unAmerican.
And, the Repubs run in fear of those statements.
Congrats to Reince for being a true people’s representative.