Has global warming occurred? Yes. It has. Warming is what took us out of the Little Ice Age. And the Dark Ages. And many other little ice ages since the end of the last glacial period wound down 20,000 years ago. And a new study says “hey, warming is a good thing”
A new study by three non-profit climate research organizations has claimed that global warming is more likely to “improve rather than harm human health.â€
The study by Heartland Institute, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, and Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) says “mankind will be much better off in the year 2100 than it is today and therefore able to adapt to whatever challenges climate change presents.â€
Will it make mankind better? I pick on Warmists for making their predictions 50-100 years out, and the same goes for this study. What will happen is relatively unknown. What is known, though, is that human society expands and improves during the warmer periods over the last 7,000 years. Tremendous strides have been made during those time. The Roman empire expanded, and human civilization flourished, then we hit a cool period and things were not good. Then you had the Dark Ages. A warm period, where civilazation improved. The Little Ice Age, where people had a hard time just eating. Then our modern society, a time where things are so great that people bitch about whether a bit of warming will burn every bit of life on Earth to cinders, then they jump in their SUVs and take a fossil fueled airplane trip to the warm Caribbean.
The authors of the new report say “the net effect of continued warming and rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere is most likely to be beneficial to humans, plants, and wildlife.â€
The report says that “global warming is more likely to improve rather than harm human health because rising temperatures lead to a greater reduction in winter deaths than the increase they cause in summer deaths.â€
The researchers found that global warming “benefits†not only mammals but amphibians, birds, butterflies and insects also benefit from its myriad ecological effects.
Obviously, the normal climahysterics do not like this study, and say that the consensus is against it. Because science is all about consensus, rather than proving your assertions.

[…] Reading: Global Warming Will…Wait, Improve Our Lives? Shouldn't It Kill Us … Category: Green News, Uncategorized | Tags: climate-change, copyright, election, environment, […]
Rehovot, Israel — May 8, 2003 — Missing: around 7 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas charged with global warming. Every year, industry releases about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And every year, when scientists measure the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it doesn’t add up – about half goes missing. Figuring in the amount that could be soaked up by oceans, some 7 billion tons still remain unaccounted for. Now, a study conducted at the edge of Israel’s Negev Desert has come up with what might be a piece of the puzzle.
A group of scientists headed by Prof. Dan Yakir of the Weizmann Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Department found that the Yatir forest, planted at the edge of the Negev Desert 35 years ago, is expanding at an unexpected rate. The findings, published in the current issue of Global Change Biology, suggest that forests in other parts of the globe could also be expanding into arid lands, absorbing carbon dioxide in the process.
This report was put out in 2003 and the AGW crowd literally banned it from existence. But it does exist.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (open access), Sean McMahon and colleagues investigated the question of long-term forest response to global change in Maryland forests.
Using statistical techniques, they were able to factor out the messiness of these aging trends to look for effects caused mainly by a changing physical environment.
They found that 80% of the trees grew more than you would expect by stand-level growth dynamics alone. However, they found it difficult to pin this trend on any single environmental factor, concluding that temperature, increased lengths of growing seasons, and increased CO2 were likely synergistic drivers.
Another report. The research field is replete with the beneficial effects of increased co2 along with a warming planet. I could point to 100’s of reports like these that are banned from Michael Mann controlled environmental science findings because they contradict the doom and gloom scenarios painted by the leftist AGW scientist desperate for more grant money……but I wont.
anyone ever see any farms in the artic? just thinking, maybe warming is preferable to freezing?
Word is just mirroring petroleum’s gobblygook speak. Quit blindly chanting the lies of the oil barons who want to see this earth shriveled up like a dehydrated orange. We all know that these guys would love nothing but to suck every ounce of oil from our mother gaia as fast as possible, and as soon as possible, despite the implications to nature and their bottom-line.
They don’t care about managing a resource for their grandkids. They don’t care about being good stewards to the land and thus pay billions in fines every day to clean up their messes they leave behind.
And, to even THINK that forests uptake carbon dioxide… HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA. Everyone knows it is only the top layer of the oceans that does that. And right now, after Trillions of years, they are full of naturally produced CO2. That layer can’t accommodate the increased unnatural CO2.
And, I bet WORD is also trying to say that the increased forested areas in the US is actually a good thing locally and globally.. HAHAHAHAHAHAAA you typical shill for oil.