Wasting money? Nope. Investing in a project doomed to fail with taxpayer money? Nope? Crony capitalism? Nope? Pay for play? Nope. Cooking the earth? Yup
I’m not saying that the Solyndra didn’t make mistakes, or that the Department of Energy shouldn’t have been smarter in how they doled out funding for clean-energy projects. (I happened to have been traveling with Secretary of Energy Steven Chu in 2009 at around the time the Solyndra loan was being considered for a Rolling Stone profile –and I can tell you that the Department of Energy was under heavy pressure from the White House to get stimulus funding out the door as quickly as possible.)
… In fact, what’s criminal is not starting a solar company and losing hundreds of millions of dollars. What’s criminal is using that failure as an excuse to kill the promise of new jobs and cook the planet.
Got that? So says a magazine that killed trees to publish, lots of energy to put on the web, and fossil fuels to distribute.

Even with the evidence of crony capitalism or other corruption the true over all scandal is the administrations unquestioning belief in Messianic Green Energy.
In other news Bev Perdue wants to suspend congressional elections for a couple years you know for the economy. This is according to the Daily Caller.
OMG.. my head is melting