There are many good reasons to support Rick Perry, and many good reasons to not support him. That’s politics (and life). You aren’t going to agree with every stance a politician has. Of course, their political stances can have an effect on your standard of living. But, what really annoyed me about Rick Perry jumping in was how attacks between the GOP candidates really ramped up. Now, he looks to double down
Rick Perry’s widely panned debate performances? Just a hiccup. Any major changes in debate prep? None planned. His unexpected and deflating Florida straw poll loss last weekend? Not a big deal.
Even as some of his supporters grow anxious, the Texas governor’s top aides insist they have no plans for real or even symbolic changes to their campaign. The only pivot they’ll make, they say, is to become more aggressive with Mitt Romney.
Look, one has to hit one’s political opponent, that’s politics. But, prior to Perry jumping in, this race was basically about the Republican candidates hitting Obama, and offering their own plans to differentiate themselves from Obama, and their GOP opponents. Perry jumps in, and the candidates seem to spend more time beating each other up, giving the Democrats and Team Obama all the material they need to use against whomever wins the GOP nomination. Perry’s campaign looks to be more on the other candidate’s than about Obama and Perry’s own plans.

No kidding. If Team Perry would work as hard on actually preparing for debates as they have devoted to reading Romney’s book editions, I’d certainly be in a much more comfortable position about this year’s race than I am right now. Somebody needs to kick some sense into Perry’s advisers, and stat!
Uh, I rock. “Work as hard on” doesn’t really map to “as they have devoted to” at all. Hopefully you understood what I was trying to say, regardless of my faux pas.
My grammar does help to explain how washed up I am as a blogger, at least. ;)
I know what you mean, he needs to spend more time on prep and putting forth more than sound bites, come out with actual plans. Instead, he seems to want to just attack others
Perry’s facial and hand expressions creeped myself and my wife out. Her reaction was that if he won the nomination, she would stay home. She can’t really see a difference between Perry’s religion that he wants to force on others and Obama’s communism. I have to agree. We have watched Perry as we live in LA and can’t see much that we like. Plus, Jindal, our governor endorsed him. That is the kiss of death for a conservative as Jindal is striving to be a compromising Repub elite. Jindal’s recent campaign slogan was more government for less money. I think that sums up Perry as well.
I have added Cain to my like list along with Paul.
Brian? OMG, Brian? Is that you?!?! Howdy bud!! Welcome back to never-real-murder-death-kill-puppy land my friend.
I’ve missed ya!!!
“Perry’s religion that he wants to force on others “
Ummmmmm……. wow, I’m sorry Dave, but that sounds so like a Democrat afraid of any, ANY republican. Please point to where Perry would forcibly push his religion upon people? Show where he has done so in Texas.
THere are actually alot of real things to dislike about Perry.
1) Support of illegal immigration.
2) He’s a RINO
3) Supports free-open-border transportation for Mexican trucks and drivers.
4) Came out against AZ and GA anti-illegal people bills.
Yet, Fmr President Jimmy, the 2nd worst president in history, Carter came out in FAVOR and endorsed Mitt Romney!!!
IMHO, I like Cain.
Team Perry is dead. He is so obsessed with Romney that he is forgetting to just get HIS message out there and get HIS personality out there and get HIS take on life in general out there.
This incessant obsession with Romney is going to destroy his candidacy before it even gets out of first gear.
Right now Perry is an embarassment to the GOP field.
Obama and the progressives are the real opponents……Not Romney, Cain or Paul.
Get er right Perry or go back to Texas.
Heya Cap’n! Long time no hear — How the heck have you been??