Monthly Archives: September 2011

Man Names Dog Mohammed, Islamic Tolerance Ensues

And by tolerance, I mean the Islamists are pissed off (The Blaze) A city councilman in San Juan Capistrano, California, has come under fire by Muslims and local council members alike for naming his dog Muhammad and later announcing it during a city council meeting. Councilman Derek Reeve is not backing down, however, stating on Tuesday […]

If All You See…

…is an evil CO2 releasing beer, you might just be a Warmist

Bummer: Obama’s On An Energy Losing Streak

Well, if one’s vision is simply to dump money into a sector that cannot produce a product, and can only lose money at this time, along with pandering on other energy but not actually allowing it, one is going to go on a losing streak President Barack Obama is racking up an impressive losing streak […]

Democrats Can’t Even Agree To Cut $1 Billion Dollars From Budget

There was a vote Wednesday on a temporary spending bill, and the narrative is that John Boehner has lost control of Conservative Republicans and Democrats are now in control of the process. How about the narrative that Democrats are so spending drunk that they cannot even cut a measly $1 billion? The House stunned Republican […]

Al-Shabab Offers AK-47’s And Hand Grenades For Knowing Koran

But, don’t say they aren’t peaceful A CHILDREN’S competition run by a Somali radio station featured hand grenades and AK-47 rifles among the top prizes for Koran-reciting and general knowledge. Andulus radio, which is run by the al-Shabab Islamist group, chose four children between the ages of 10 and 17 for the competition, which was […]

For Palin, September Becomes End Of October

This is why I’ve mostly given up on Sarah Palin as a viable presidential candidate: she refuses to take the plunge: Sarah Palin seemed to give a November deadline for a decision on a 2012 bid. Speaking to Sean Hannity on Fox News Tuesday night, Palin said there is still time but conceded that a […]

If All You See…

…is a room with all the electrical appliances turned off, you might just be a Warmist

Would You Be Shocked That “Climate Funds” Have Been Abused?

Would you be further shocked that the Huffington Post exposes the abuse? If the World Bank and an Indian power utility have their way, the Rampur hydropower project in Northern India will increase global CO2 emissions by 15 million tons, at a cost of $164 million to unsuspecting energy consumers in Sweden. The project is […]

President 39% Sees Massive Pessimism On Economy

Hey, remember when the media would spend hours talking about Bush when his approval rating dropped a bit? Anyhow According to this McClatchy-Marist Poll, the president’s approval rating is at 39% among registered voters nationally, an all-time low for Mr. Obama.  For the first time a majority — 52% — disapproves of the job he […]

Oops: AP Finds That Secretaries Don’t Pay More Than Millionaires

You know things aren’t completely right in Obama Land when the Associated Press decides to do the job the Founders envisioned, namely, being a check on government without fear of reprisal, and fact check the (NM)President “Middle-class families shouldn’t pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires,” Obama said Monday. “That’s pretty straightforward. It’s hard to […]

Pirate's Cove