How many times have we told the Occupiers that their gripes should lead them to go Occupy Washington, D.C.? That they seem to be upset about bailouts and stupid government spending? Well, finally, some of the Occupy Morons decided to occupy D.C. How’s that working?
(Raw Story) About 20 unemployed and underemployed D.C. residents occupied the office of Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY) on Thursday, pledging to remain until the senator met with them about the Rebuild America Act.
An organizer for the group Our D.C., James Adams, told Raw Story that they had entered McConnell’s office around 10:30 am and vowed not to leave until they meet with him.
Legislative aides offered to meet with the protesters, but the group has made it clear they only wanted to meet with the senator face-to-face.
That was Thursday. So far, it seems as if McConnell hasn’t met with them yet. Oh, and the police came by, and the idiots decided they would rather leave than be arrested. Broken vow.
The Occutards proclaim they are against bailouts, but, they aren’t: they just want bailouts for certain groups. Like themselves. Free money. Interestingly, many of those Big Banks and others they are whining about give LOTS of money to Democrats. Who then turn around and hook those Big Banks and financial institutions and others up with taxpayer funds. Who controlled the Legislative Branch when all the bailouts occurred? That’s right, Democrats. Bush may have signed off on some of them (and Conservatives were very unhappy about it), but Democrats had to pass them first.
It’s obvious that the Occupy movement is about hardcore progressivism, and all their pet peeves, not about any sort of true outrage over what has occurred in Washington with the bailouts over the past few years.
Elswehere, one Zuccotti Park Occutard threw a fit at a local McDonald’s when they refused to give him free food. Fisikah Bezabeh ripped a credit card reader off the counter and threw it at the employees. Yes, arrested for criminal mischief. Just a typical supporter of Barack and Nancy.
And hardcore Iranian Islamists profess solidarity with the Occupiers.

The OWS crowd does have one legitimate complaint.
Crony capistalism.
Until we fix our election methods we are going to have this forever.
The people to instill term limits or campaign reform are the very people who would be affected by those actions.
The rich fat cat millionaires on the HILL are no different then the OWS crowd. They want everyone ELSE regulated
BUT THEMSELVES….congress will never punish themselves in anything they do…..but they will point the finger at the other guy and blame him for anything they do or dont do.
Until this is fixed…none of this will be fixed….
Even our gop buddies on the hill are trying desperately to come up with 125 billion a year in cuts when the budget has gone from 2.4 to 3.7 trillion dollars in one year.
But somehow…..they cant cut 125 billion dollars.
The gop is no better then the democrats….They are all padding their pockets and in bed with their own special interest groups.
Even the young tea partiers we sent to congress are now silent… they see their bank accounts swelling at monsterous rates.
[…] he’s not talking about the Tea Party.  In this case, he’s referencing to violence instigated by the “Occupy” movement outside the “Defending the American Dream […]