Take this report with a grain of salt, because there is no hard proof provided in any of the multiple articles I perused
(Reuters) Portland police warned on Friday that anti-Wall Street protesters in the city were fashioning makeshift weapons with wood and nails, in advance of a planned move by authorities to clear their two encampments over the weekend.
The statement from Portland police came a day after Portland Mayor Sam Adams, citing sanitation and safety concerns, gave demonstrators until 12:01 a.m. on Sunday to clear out their tents.
Details on possible plans for violence within the camps come from people inside the encampments who are concerned, Portland police Sergeant Pete Simpson said.
There are reports weapons are being made with wood and nails, that a hole is being dug in one of the parks and that pallets are being turned into shields, said police.
The Portland Occupiers put out their own statement saying that the Portland PD was full of it, and that they were peaceful. We’ll see, once the police start evicting the unwashed heathens. If the city has the guts to stick to their stated timeline.
The police also stated that people are streaming in from places like Seattle, San Francisco, and Oakland, along with lots of anarchists. The anarchists are anarchists in name only, since they really only far left progressives who wear dark colors and cover their faces. They want Big Government.
Oh, then there’s this
Police spokesman Lt. Robert King said officers took out enough stone and foundation rocks to fill a pickup truck after an Occupy Portland protester tipped off police.
King said one of the Occupy Portland protesters approached him and showed him one of the rocks that some of the campers appeared to be stockpiling.
And while the time of 20 officers was wasted, thanks to the Occupiers, removing rocks, they were fortunately there to perform CPR on the third person to have an overdose in Camp Stinky.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Please sign the drill now petition.

Stupid SOB brought a stick with nails to a gun fight.
Police are going to replace rubber bullets with real ones.
I’m sure that hiding in a ditch when under gas attack is brilliant
Concrete pieces were used to hold down tarps and tends. We do get rainy windy weather here in Portland. Shocker I know. People also built structures and tables and what not out of wood and nails, so of course there was wood and nails around. These items only became a stock pile of weapons when police/city officials needed to cultivate their negative image of the movement so they would have more support when removing protesters.
I’m looking forward to you covering the injured police officer. I am sure you will report that incorrectly as well.
Well they wont have my support until they adopt my obscenely disproportionate overreaction theory of problem solving to remove the Donner Partiers.