I’d compare them to cats and dogs, but, cats and dogs don’t continuously tell us how they are uber smart
(CBS San Fran) Poor sanitation and evidence of lice and fleas at the Occupy San Francisco encampment endanger the health of everyone in the overcrowded, makeshift tent city at Justin Herman Plaza, public health officials said Wednesday.
Aragon said the lack of sanitation and food safety, combined with the large quantities of debris in very tight quarters, made the Occupy encampment a tinder box for gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.
Someone should whack these people in the nose with a rolled up newspaper. Or, as OWS Exposed says, get them some Frontline Plus.
More: Verum Serum discusses a similar story from the Sacramento Bee.
Ace writes: Any time your organization’s name frequently appears with the words “human feces” you’re probably not going to win the narratie.