Thanksgiving, a day to unwind, perhaps step back from politics for a bit, so, let’s go with something a bit more fun, shall we?
(Fox News) The video shows a large animal-like figure walking upright on a ridge on the top of Mount Monadnock, one of New Hampshire’s most popular hiking attractions.
A group of tourists nearby are then interviewed.
“What is it that you saw?†a man’s voice off-camera asks.
“I saw a big hairy man-like creature on the top of Mount Monadnock,†says a teenage boy, clearly having fun with the surreal scene.
“Were you afraid?†another tourist is asked. “I was horribly afraid,†is the answer.
No, it’s not the second coming of Bigfoot, it’s just performance artist Jonathan Doyle in his Yeti suit, who then acted as off-camera interviewer moments later.
Dude’s just having some fun, but, the park rangers apparently had their humor glands removed, because they say he cannot film his follow up film without a permit, because he is a “film crew.” They caught his first performance on Youtube. Obviously, he went a got a permit, right? Er, no
Doyle has now hooked up with New Hampshire’s American Civil Liberties Union and is suing the Rangers for violating his right to “free speech.â€
OK, a little bit of politics today. This is simply absurd. Making a film about Bigfoot is not “free speech.” It is not a civil liberty. It is not criticizing the government without fear of retaliation, which is what that part of the 1st Amendment is about. It’s simply a dude making a silly film pretending to be Bigfoot.
And simply the park rangers being stupid and bureaucratic. Said permit would cost $100 and would require that Doyle show proof of $2 million in insurance. There are no “rights” violated, just plain stupidity from the park rangers. What’s next, needing a permit to film your hike on the Mount?
Doyle has actually taken the case to the NH Supreme Court.