These people are really silly. Dr. Gary Ginsburg at the Huffington Post
Yeah. Right. And, as shown by the Greenie Pig article yesterday, the minute the Warmists are inconvenienced, they stop trying to reduce their carbon footprint.
The Wars on Drugs and Poverty in the 1960s were obviously not literal wars involving guns and bombs. They were wars of conscience and responsibility – a recognition that there is an illness, an evil, an injustice that damages the fabric of society. A recognition that we have to seek it out, hunt it down, find its origins, and kill it off. This is what we are trying to do now in the war on terror. No less, in fact much more, is required to fight climate change. We need all the governments, stakeholders, business leaders and foot soldiers like you and me to be on the right side of this war – to be the good guys.
Anyone see anything in there about, you know, science? No? It was all about politics? Hmph. Imagine that.
Then we get a few comparisons of globull warming to terrorism, such as “If a terrorist group blew up New Orleans, bombed it into an apocolyptic state, would this not be a Pearl Harbor event?” And then the terrorist forgot to manufacture any US landfalling hurricanes in over 3 1/2 seasons, and no Category 3 or higher since 2006. Bummer. The longest periods since before the Civil War.
Then we learn about the climate being “unruly and destabilized.” You know, weather like has always happened. Then, how China is evil for having the temerity to push their economy forward, and
So, rather than only putting a few cards on the table, Durban needs to be addressing the whole concept of how we do business on a global scale. The current system of free trade puts the decision of capping emissions into the hands of multinationals as they are the ones choosing where to invest. And to them capping emissions is a nice concept but it does nothing for this quarter’s profitability. China is a convenient engine for that profitability and at the same time, serves as a convenient scapegoat for inaction on climate change. A League of Green Traders could potentially wrestle power from the multis and put it into the hands of decision-makers who want their cities and societies to survive the ravages of climate change.
Who are these “Green Traders”?
Perhaps what’s needed is a League of Green Traders, as opposed to free traders. The good guys buy and sell within the league and play by rules that aggressively attack the climate problem. Everyone is invited into the league, the terms of engagement clear. Countries that want the economic advantage of not controlling carbon would be outlaws, pariahs and not allowed into the EU or North American marketplace. Instead of desperately seeking cheap labor, the multinationals would be desperately seeking green suppliers. I doubt that it would take China very long to come around.
Uh huh. And the Warmists scoff when many of us Climate Realists say that the movement is all about control of people, businesses, and economies, pushed by people who rarely live the life they say everyone else should be forced to live.

This guy is brilliant, the reference to the war on terror vis a vis the Globull Warming movement is truly inspired, talk about killing two birds with one stone.
What we need to do is convince Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and the rest of the Islamist world that our entire presence in North Africa, The Mideast and southwest Asia is an effort to combat Climate Change and has been since the rise of the environmental movement in the 70s. That the US government has slowly but surely been infiltrated and captured by the “Climate Zionists”, that the entire purpose of the “Green Sustainable Energy” movement is to eliminate the oil revenues of the Ummah. We need a “Wikileaks” type organization to “steal” and release documents establishing the long term green movement plan to eliminate the benefits of oil resources bequeathed by Allah to the Ummha.
The purpose being to reduce the “Arab world” to the economic status it had after it lost control of trade from the east during the 15Th century and thereby insure that Ummah can never expand and will indeed shrink as the “Climate Zionists” succeed in eliminating what little none oil commerce the periphery of the Muslim world is engaged in. The leaking organization would produce documents revealing that members of Greenpeace, Sierra Club and WWF secretly sit in on all cabinet meetings and closed committee meetings to coordinate the move to the “Green Sustainable Energy Economy” thereby impoverishing the Ummah and insuring world control by the Western Secular Climate Zionists.
Documents would establish that the purpose of saving the whales is actually to build up their population to insure a future supply of whale oil to compensate for the lack of petroleum based lubricants, that’s just one example of the true motivations of the Climate Zionists. After all it is obvious that windmills and solar power will never supply the West’s energy needs and provide enough energy to raise standards of living for the third world. To insure the supremacy of Western Secular Climate Zionist Imperialism much of the world must remain in poverty forever.