This isn’t quite as fun as the number of liberals who needed therapy for PEST (post election selection trauma) after Bush beat Waffles Kerry in the 2004 election, what with all the ones who couldn’t get out of bed for days, couldn’t work, and/or went to see professional mental health workers who were just as depressed as themselves, but, it is certainly amusing (via Jammie Wearing Fools)
(LA Times) Most of the roughly 300 Occupy L.A. protesters were released from jail by Friday evening, with some immediately speaking out on the police raid that cleared their camp.
One speaker suggested that some of those arrested might need therapy. Several said they felt traumatized after witnessing police use nonlethal force and being forced to wait for hours in zip-tie handcuffs. Some displayed cuts on their wrists from the handcuffs. Others complained that they were forced to urinate in bags on the bus as they were transported to jails.
These are the people that are going to change the world? They can’t even witness police arresting other filth infused squatters without becoming emotional to the point they need therapy. Jammie Wearing Fool uses a naughty word to describe them.
One speaker urged others to document any complaints. “Make note of every single violation of human rights,” she told those assembled.
For what, peeing in a bag like other criminals are forced to, instead of the usual bottles of hoity toity water they were used to?
The face of Occupy LA look traumatized (from the LA Times)
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

The left really are a bunch of pussies nowadays. Isn’t the point of civil disobedience to get arrested while opposing an unjust or immoral law?
Therein lies the problem I suspect.
Most of them are Climate Zionists I suspect.
Well, you know the little darlings (as Ann Coulter always calls lefties) are just too delicate to deal with the consequences of their actions.
And, I can’t wait to see how quickly Occupy dries up as winter sets in.
[…] in therapy, but needing it now that they’ve been traumatized by police violating their “human” rights (not ‘civil,’ but ‘human’). No doubt this need will place an even heavier demand on social services (free social services) and likely Medicaid. Read the story at Pirate’s Cove. […]
What a bunch of pussies and wussies.
If they were in a number of OTHER countries they would have have already been shot, hung, tortured and buried in a long lost secret location. We could be so lucky to be rid of these vermin and parasites. How much have the cost the taxpayer all across the country?
These are the losers obama stands with?
Maybe he and mooch can whisk them all away to Hawaii for 17 days of rehab therapy and golfing while the country continues to crumble under the rudderless directions of the first mmussie, illegal alien potus?
They whine of violation of ‘human rights’?
What about the real violations of human rights, especially of women and non-muslims throughout the muslim world? Why don’t they compare notes with some 8 year old girl who has had her genitals mutilated for life via FGM, or acid thrown in her face for simply wanting to attend school in ragastan?
Pathetic, absolutely pathetic losers.
[…] in therapy, but needing it now that they’ve been traumatized by police violating their “human” rights (not ‘civil,’ but ‘human’). No doubt this need will place an even heavier demand on social services (free social services) and likely Medicaid. Read the story at Pirate’s Cove. […]