I’m glad she’s being rational about this
(The Hill) Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) blasted skeptics of climate science Wednesday, alleging they are “endangering humankind.â€
“The message I have for climate deniers is this: you are endangering humankind,†Boxer said during a press conference in the Capitol. “It is time for climate deniers to face reality, because the body of evidence is overwhelming and the world’s leading scientists agree.â€
And then she jumped in big government fossil fueled vehicle to take a fossil fueled airplane trip across the country. Someone should check to see if all the bulbs in her office are CFLs.

Something to ponder about our liberal friends. They made it so that horses could not be used to make things. In doing so, they erased the value of horses and mules. Now, ranchers can’t giver them away. They are out their investment, horse populations will diminsh, and the horses will die a lingering death from starvation.
Boxer is a perfect example of why some institutionalization will be required.
It doesn’t bother me that Boxer jumped on a plane and headed across the country to her district.
What bothers me is that she is planning on coming back.
well “”MAM”” the fact that the weather is changing cannot be doubted.
If you dont like the weather….just wait…to quote a cliche.
In the last 100 years there have been 163 droughts across the United STates in different Areas.
In the last 25 years of the 163 droughts only 31 one of those have occured out of the 163……that is less then 25 percent over a 25 percent time reference.
Hurricanes are down for the past 13 years.
More Hurricanes struck the United STates in the 1850’s-1900’s……then struck the United States from the 1970-2010’s.
Glaciers are melting….they have been melting for the last 12,000 years. Sea ice build up is greater in the last 3 years then it was in the 1970’s.
So I would ask you “MAM” just what science is settled on Climate change and what is your definition of “CLIMATE CHANGE?”
Because the weather is always changing. There have always been floods, droughts, natural disasters related to weather and they are NOT any greater today then they were 150 years ago when everyone claims the infusion of CO2 started causing the planet to shift into catastrophe mode.
CO2 is NOT cause for concern…….what is cause for concern is pollution and nitwit scientists who have an agenda that feeds their voracious appetite for “STUFF” that evil capitalism feeds and “STATUS” that comes with being the select few in a tight knit FRAT HOUSE that is by invitation ONLY.
The science is NOT settled…..it has become a laughing stock……just like you……
“MAM” are a laughing stock everytime you sit down and open your mouth.