Let’s face it, the man is a bumbling idiot and massive narcissist who refuses to take any blame for the economic destruction he and his party had forced upon the nation. And now we get
(Real Clear Politics) “Layoffs too often became permanent, not part of the business cycle. And these changes didn’t just affect blue collar workers. If you were a bank teller or a phone operator or a travel agent, you saw many in your profession replaced by ATMs and the internet,” President Obama said at a campaign event in Kansas.
Jobs have always been replaced as technology moved forward. The milk man had to learn a new job. So did the guys who drove the horse drawn coal delivery carts. So did that nasally lady who answered your phone call and transferred it to SYcamore-4-3319, rather than it being automatically done as it is nowadays. You can find numerous examples of this happening over time. And all as part of the “business cycle”, showing that Obama has absolutely no clue as to how business works.
The whole speech itself was one huge class warfare speech, given by a guy who is himself a 1%er, and refuses to pay more in taxes and do his “fair share”.
The Lonely Conservative wonders if the Internet was responsible for a list of economic issues.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Here is Obama…….the make up department did a great job making us believe its someone else.
Heres obama and the 1st lady waking up everyday to whats left of the America he and his party are singlehandely destroying.
This man HATES ATM’s. He flat out resents them. This is not the first time he took aim at the well behaved convenient little kiosks. He hates them plain and simple. He has it in for Mac Machines, and now apparently the internet too.
Thanks God we elected such a smart man. God forbbid we be stuck with another GW Bush. Phew, that would have been terrible.
[…] event in Kansas.Does he really believe this nonsense? Did the internet cause all of this:Update: The Pirate’s Cove linked – thanks!google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ […]
The characterizations of Obama’s speech yesterday are way understated.
He did nothing less than officially declare war on Capitalism.
I doubt he’ll go to congress for an official declaration the UN is already working on that in South Africa.