A little bit of traffic bait. Head here for the full uncensored pics, via Coed Magazine (probably not safe for work) through a link at The Chive. See them now before Playboy’s lawyers file a takedown order.
SFW cover below the fold
Gotta say, they must have done some serious photoshopping to remove so many of the freckles, and really, she doesn’t hold a candle to Marilyn Monroe. Would have been nice if she could have spent a month or so toning up for the shoot, as well. Her face also looks like too much makeup covering meth addiction.

Boy, they sure pushed the Marilyn Monroe look, didn’t they?
Can’t say I found them her that attractive. Considering that Playboy has some of the best photographers in the business, they must’ve had to work like the Devil to make her look good. (In fact,as I recall, these probably are from a re-shoot. The first was so bad Playboy demanded they be done again.)
Probably so. I read that Hef wasn’t particularly happy with them.
It looks like she is trying to screw up her face. Notice the bee sting lips.
I must be getting old……I was totally unimpressed….totally.
Saying hi, it’s been awhile.
Massive airbrushing.
Silly poses.
Pirate’s Cove has way better pictures than these every day.
Hi, Stacy, how are you doing?
Her lips are strange. Not even a good duck face, just bubble lips.
Not getting old, Word, just not good pics.
I have a good one teed up for 1pm, Black Flag.
Doing good. Was thinking about the old blogging days, and thought I’d check in with you. Since my emails always went to your spam folder.