As Joe Biden would say, this is a big f*cking deal!
(Fox News) South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley endorsed Mitt Romney for president Friday, saying he has the executive experience in the private and public sectors that proves he can deal “with a broken Washington.”
The first-term governor offered “all of my support” to the former Massachusetts governor during an interview on Fox News. She plans to hold a campaign event with Romney Friday afternoon in South Carolina.
“Now more than ever, we need someone that has the leadership to deal with a broken Washington,” Haley said, adding that Romney to his credit is “not part of the chaos” in the nation’s capital.
Haley isn’t just some squishy Republican, but a pretty good conservative. Endorsing Romney means a lot, and is a big wet mackerel in the face to Newt Gingrich.

The GOP is utterly irredeemable.
I wonder how much an endorsement really counts for? I like Haley a lot, but I make up own mind how to vote; I don’t let a pol or an entertainer decide for me. Good for Romney, but, to quote the leader of the Black Lectroids in Buckaroo Banzai, “So what? Big deal..”
This endorsement may sway some Tea Partiers that don’t look into too deeply but I suspect that for most “better than Obama” isn’t good enough.
Where these endorsements may help is with donors who are connected or loyal to the Governor.
I think for a lot of folks who don’t pay that much attention to politics, this will be a big deal for them. Especially those in the south.
Teach you are probably right about low information voters, hopefully that’s not conservatives in general and Tea Partiers in particular. This is inside the party politics and I get that but it plays to the whole inevitability anointment of Romney and certainly diminishes my belief in the ability of the Republican Party to represent conservatism. Who ever heads the ticket, win or lose, this country has many dark days ahead and government by conservative principles is the only thing that can brings us back into the light. Romney will not advance that mission.
Well the GOP is headed for a loss in 2012 when it comes to defeating Obama. We have absolutely a horrible field of presidential candidates.
So that leaves the house and the senate. I have given up on the White HOuse. We are facing 4 more years of Obama…..but at least if we control the senate he can be contained until the GOP can come up with a politician who hasnt slept with half of D.C. while he wallowed in Nanny Pelosi’s Swamp.