Now, if only Syria had oil, like Libya, Obama might be inclined to do something
(CBS News) The White House is renewing its call for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down, saying his regime does not deserve to rule.
The White House said Wednesday in a statement that Assad’s regime has no credibility and has “flagrantly violated” its commitment to end violence.
The statement said the Obama administration is deeply disturbed by continued reports of government-backed violence against the Syrian people. Witnesses said more than 200 people have been in killed in two days of violence this week.
Assad is probably mildly amused.

He was deeply disturbed long before he’d ever even heard of Syria
He was deeply disturbed long before he’d ever even heard of Syria
Obama’s foreign policy consists of Muttered curses of “Leave me alone….Im busy destroying America”
The progressive/communists could give a flying leap about foreign policy and they diligently work for the “FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE of AMERICA” from within.
Foreign policy? That consists of begging everyone for MORE LOANS so they can bankrupt America faster.