As the saying went while Bush 43 was in the White House “who’s the president now?”
(Politico) Watch out incumbents: Only 17 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with the way things are going in the United States in 2011, the second lowest annual average ever, a new Gallup poll Thursday shows.
Since Gallup began asking the question gauging satisfaction in the country in 1979, the annual average was lower only in 2008 at 15 percent.
And which Party controlled the purse strings in 2008? Democrats.
Twenty-six percent named the economy in general, 25 percent mentioned and issue of unemployment and jobs, 16 percent chose dissatisfaction with the government and politicians while 12 percent said the biggest problem was the federal budget deficit.
Now, why are people so darned negative? It couldn’t possibly be the record deficits, record (and rising) debt, high and stagnant unemployment, large amounts of citizens who have given up on the job market, rising real prices, high fuel costs, a government that wastes taxpayers money and mortgages the future of our descendents to China (which also pays for the expansion of China’s military), debt payments that will soon be larger than our military budget, low consumer confidence, a president that is unable to lead, and spends most of his time campaigning, vacationing, or playing golf, and a government that is incapable of addressing the serious problems facing this country. Those are the ones right of the top of my head.
And who is the President now? Hey, Bush would have been blamed for all of this. The buck stops at the Resolute Desk Presidential Golf Car.
But, to be fair, it was 11% back in September. So, Obama’s US satisfaction rate has rebounded from “Holy Sh*t, that’s terrible!” to “What the hell is this chump doing?”
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

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