Surprisingly, CNN has decided to bitch slap the Occupiers with the cold dead mackerel of reality
Americans make up half of the world’s richest 1%
The United States holds a disproportionate amount of the world’s rich people.
It only takes $34,000 a year, after taxes, to be among the richest 1% in the world. That’s for each person living under the same roof, including children. (So a family of four, for example, needs to make $136,000.) (snip)
The true global middle class, falls far short of owning a home, having a car in a driveway, saving for retirement and sending their kids to college. In fact, people at the world’s true middle — as defined by median income — live on just $1,225 a year. (And, yes, Milanovic’s numbers are adjusted to account for different costs of living across the globe.)
In the grand scheme of things, even the poorest 5% of Americans are better off financially than two thirds of the entire world.
Meanwhile, the Occupiers are calling for the government to give them other people’s money.