Obviously, this has sent the North Carolina Association of Teachers into a hissy fit
(WRAL) The North Carolina Association of Educators said Thursday that it plans to file a lawsuit against the state after Republican lawmakers engineered a late-night vote targeting the teachers organization.
Gov. Beverly Perdue called the General Assembly into special session Wednesday to give lawmakers the chance to override her recent veto of legislation that essentially repeals a 2-year-old law that provides death row inmates with an avenue to challenge their sentences.
House Republicans couldn’t muster enough support for that override, but they quickly scheduled a session at 12:45 a.m. Thursday to override a veto Perdue handed down last summer on Senate Bill 727. The legislation bars the NCAE from collecting dues from members through payroll deduction.
Hey, Bev, perhaps you shouldn’t have called that session, eh? The NC Senate had already voted to override the veto back in July.
“Republican lawmakers came into the legislature at about 1 o’clock in the morning while our children were sleeping and took revenge on teachers who were standing up for our children,” an angry Perdue
saidshrieked Thursday afternoon. “That’s just shameful for North Carolina, shameful.”
Good lord, Bev, take a Prozac. How is this “taking revenge”? The NCAE will just have to ask their members to send in their dues instead of the NC government doing it for them. Which is kinda the point, because many will decide they do not like the union taking their money without any say-so.
Going to be quite a bit of whining at the Raleigh state house Friday and on.

Be careful. You don’t want to come between a union and their money. It’s like halting the flow of cash in the mob. Here in WI we are still dealing with the cry babies a year later, and the extent to which these people will go to get their money is unbelievable.
Also, please note their use of “the children”. It’s absolutely, f-ing ridiculous.
Exactly. As a teachers union leader once said “we’ll represent the children when they start paying dues.”