Enough is enough as far as most voters are concerned when it comes to the Occupy Wall Street protesters. In fact, 51% of Likely U.S. Voters now view the protesters as a public nuisance. Only 39% see them as a valid protest movement representing the frustrations of most Americans.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey also finds that just 24% think the Occupy Wall Street protesters who first began their protests in early October have gotten their message across to the American people. Fifty-three percent (53%) say they have not gotten their message across, and another 24% are not sure.
Well, yeah, a few rapes, murders, overdoses, assaults, assaults on police, stabbing police, crapping on police cars, crapping on people’s door steps, massive drug and alcohol usage, rats invading the squalor, etc, great way to get people over to your side.
Verum Serum has more.