But Newt is still hanging in
(Rasmussen) Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, coming off his photo finish with Mitt Romney in the Iowa caucuses, is now in second place among Republican voters in the race for the party’s 2012 presidential nomination.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, taken the night after the caucuses, shows Romney again in first place with support from 29% of Likely Republican Primary Voters, followed by Santorum with 21%. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who led the pack in late November with 38% of the vote, now runs third with 16%. Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the third place finisher in Iowa, picks up 12% of the vote, up from eight percent (8%) in the previous survey.
The two remaining Republicans in the race, Texas Governor Rick Perry and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, each earn four percent (4%), marking essentially no change from late November. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
That’s a huge jump for Santorum, who was sitting at 4% at the time of the last poll. Mitt jumped up from his previous 23%. The question for Santorum is, can he keep it going, or will he be the flavor of the week? Particularly when some are calling him weird for bringing his dead baby home. The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg puts it thusly
There is much I don’t like about Rick Santorum’s ideas, but the story of how he and his wife dealt with the tragic death of their baby is not something that bothers me. Pete Wehner has an appropriately indignant post, quoted below, about the attacks on Santorum over this issue (and he summarizes the sad story as well), but it strikes me as indecent to criticize the loving, if discomfiting, behavior of people who have just suffered the worst possible tragedy known to humankind. In in a different context (while discussing this column, about a father who made the ultimate sacrifice for his child), Pete pointed me to a quote from Euripides in which he described the death of a child as “the grief surpassing all.”
Santorum has been attacked by all manner of Democrat operatives, such as Alan Colmes and Eugene Robinson, and, yes, I do find it a little weird, but, then, it’s really not my business how he and his family handle their grief. It’s also kinda weird for parents to keep their child’s bedroom exactly as it was for years, if not decades. Many people, including commenters at Goldber’s article, and while listening to Jason Lewis, say “well, would you do it?” Here’s another question: how will the American voting public perceive personal attacks on a man and his family who were grieving for the loss of their baby? Personally, I think they will find it inappropriate, insensitive, and disgusting, and the attacks will backfire.
Oh, and when it comes to Ron Paul, well, shocker of shockers, his supporters released a video attacking Jon Huntsman for speaking Chinese and adopting a Chinese girl. It’s a typical Paulian assault on Huntsman personally. Some have called this “racist“. Huntsman has called on Paul to disavow the ad. Surprise, he hasn’t. You stay classy, Paulians!
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Its either going to be Romney or Santorum. Iowa decided this.
Either one I will support. Either one is waaaayyyy better then Obama.
The discomforting fact is that the economy is improving. Im glad of that. Really. I want people back to work and off the welfare rolls doled out by the Obama administration….but if the economy continues on this pace the unemployment will be in the 7 percent range by november and it will help democrats running for the house and senate.
Personally I have this terrible belief that Obama gets reelected no matter what the GOP does simply because the GOP is so split by the libertarian movement within its own party.
Romney is too moderate for libertarians…..Santorum is too socially conservative for libertarians…..so libertarians stay home in November.
Obama wins……..end of story….end of country.
I have given up on the White HOuse because of the Libertarian movement on the right….but I have not given up on the house and senate and with the economy improving and IF they strike down Obama care the economy will really pick up steam….if they dont the economy will falter again BUT the dems will have won a major victory.
All said and done……the ME<ME<ME< libertarians are going to destroy the GOP's chances in 2012.
Santorum is a huge Socialist Republican (big government lover). He would not cut taxes, overturn ObamaCare, end corporate welfare, or end the increasing government control over business.
Romney is much the same, but more Democrat. He would not overturn ObamaCare or cut taxes.
Newt is much less socialist, towards even gov’t cutting. Problem is, he is our only hope.
From Gateway Pundit: Santorum takes swipe at Reagan for punting on Social Security.
Faults Reagan for increasing the Social Security retirement age. Santorum states that by doing so, he increased the entitlement crisis.
But isn’t keeping people working longer mean fewer will get on Social Security, and more will be still be adding to the fund instead of drawing it?
And, like the esteemed John F Kerry Santorum keeps referring to himself in the third person. CREEEEEPY!!!