One thing that I have missed during the King Obama years has been the truly unhinged lefties being unhinged. They were a lot more fun when Bush was president, but, hey, with the 2012 silly season in full swing, they are coming out of the woodwork
(Washington Post) Before there was the Tea Party to define the phrase “far-right fringe,†there was Rick Santorum. He’s a nice-guy zealot who should never be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office.
So, calling for the reduction of power and spending in the Central Government is “fringe”? Responsible spending levels is “fringe”? Stopping wasteful spending is “fringe”? Well, fine, then I proudly take up the banner of “far-right fringer”.
The problem is that his views are genuinely extreme and, in some instances, patently offensive. He is a cultural warrior who has equated same-sex marriage with polygamy, pedophilia and bestiality — and who has argued that gay men and lesbians should not serve openly in the military because “they’re in close quarters, they live with people, they obviously shower with people.â€
Santorum is implacably opposed to Obama’s health care reforms. Among other objections, he has said that insurance companies should continue to have the right to deny coverage — or charge more — for individuals who have preexisting conditions. “I’m okay with that,†he said last month.
Eugene also mentions Santorum’s tough stance on Iran, and…..that’s pretty much it. The above is what makes Santorum “extreme and should never be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office.” Hmmph. Say, Eugene, what do you think about allowing a guy who palls around with domestic terrorists, listens to racist, unhinged, bigoted, conspiracy minded, and anti-American preachers in church, was partly raised by a Marxist mother and grandmother, does business with a shady land dealer who raised money for Obama and eventually became a convicted felon, appoints tax cheats and communists, and surrounds himself with people well outside the mainstream. Not too mention all the golf, basketball, parties, and vacations. Who’s the extremist, Eugene?
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.