The Fact Checker even compares Newt to Michael Moore
(Washington Post) Newt Gingrich, meet Michael Moore!
The 29-minute video “King of Bain†is such an over-the-top assault on former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney that it is hard to know where to begin. It uses evocative footage from distraught middle-class Americans who allege that Romney’s deal-making is responsible for their woes. It mixes images of closed factories and shuttered shops with video clips of Romney making him look foolish, vain or greedy. And it has a sneering voice-over that seeks to push every anti-Wall Street button possible.
Head on over and read the substance, but, this is the way the Fact Checker ends up
Romney may have opened the door to this kind of attack with his suspect job-creation claims, but that is no excuse for this highly misleading portrayal of Romney’s years at Bain Capital. Only one of the four case studies directly involves Romney and his decision-making, while at least two are completely off point. The manipulative way the interviews appeared to have been gathered for the UniMac segment alone discredits the entire film.
So, it was mostly BS, hence, 4 Pinocchios.
Mitt fights back against Newt with mostly positive ad