Just like the Tea Party (via OWS Exposed and Marathon Pundit)
(Fox Spokane) The Occupy squatters who were evicted from a Seattle home by a SWAT team left behind a mess this week.
They took over a vacant house around Thanksgiving and covered the walls with graffiti. It took the owner months, and a court order, to get them out.
Amazing. It took a court order for the squatters to be evicted from the private property of another person? Oh, I forgot, liberal State. As Marathon Pundit points out
They spray painted graffiti on the walls, threw garbage on the floor, and for reasons only an occupier can understand, collected bottles of urine. Drug paraphernalia was also left behind.
And these are the people who are supposed to be Smarter Than Everyone Else? Even most animals tend to keep their living areas cleaner.

Thank you PC, for putting out the info on the occuslobs when few others will!
If I break into your house and trash it, and it costs you five thousand dollars to repair (and fumigate), how is that any different, morally, from someone who swindles or steals the same amount?
And if the “one percent” are evil for “tricking people” into mortgages they couldn’t afford, and taking their money, then aren’t the OWS thugs just as guilty for stealing wealth from others, too? (And I suspect whoever owned this house was NOT part of the 1%.)
So, why aren’t they in jail for burgulary?