Everybody panic!
(HuffPost Politics) A shifting global climate pattern could portend a flu pandemic, and possibly an opportunity to stop the virus early, a study suggests.
The link, according to researchers, is weather’s influence on the migratory patterns of wild birds, the primary pool for human flu.
And we all know who’s screwing the climate and weather, right? Mankind. We can see the alarmism right there, and through many followup paragraphs. But, eventually, deep on the story, after most people have moved on and are now all concerned that they will die of the flu because someone else didn’t change their behavior, we find out
In the study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Shaman and his colleague, Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health, found that the last four major flu pandemics –in 1918, 1957, 1968 and 2009 –all followed a climate pattern called La Nina, which brings colder-than-normal sea surface temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean and generally results in cooler global temperatures. One of these episodes, which occur every two to seven years, is currently underway.
Ah. So natural. Got ya. Until the Warmists figure out how to blame La Nina on Mankind.

I can’t any records of El Nina before 1950. I would not give this study much credence.