So says a guy who tends to take lots of unnecessary fossil fueled airplane trips in a story about how Warmists are filing freedom of information act requests to see who funds a private Climate Realist group (via Junk Science)
(UK Guardian) James Hansen told the Guardian: “Our children and grandchildren will judge those who have misled the public, allowing fossil fuel emissions to continue almost unfettered, as guilty of crimes against humanity and nature. But the eventual conviction of these people in the court of public opinion will do little to ease the burdens that will have been created for today’s young people and future generations.”
“The science is clear. Unless we restore the planet’s energy balance and stabilise climate, by rapidly reducing fossil fuel emissions, we will leave today’s young people a rapidly deteriorating climate system with consequences that will out of their control. If successful, the FOI request may, by exposing one link in a devious manipulation of public opinion, start a process that allows the public to be aware of what is happening, what is at stake, and where the public interest lies.”
OK, James, you start first by eliminating everything in your life that involves fossil fuels.

“The science is clear. Unless we restore the planet’s energy balance and stabilise climate, by rapidly reducing fossil fuel emissions,
The math has been done. This is mind boggling. Even with all the emissions of fossil fuels we only contribute 3.5 percent of the total co2 annually.
Reducing our co2 by 40 percent would reduce our contribution by
ONE PERCENT……….1….ONE….less then two….