Silly things like jobs, the economy, energy, and so forth rate a bit higher
(The Hill) The nation’s economy and its job market remain Americans’ top concerns, a new poll has found.
The Pew Research Center found that strengthening the economy (86 percent) and the job market (82 percent) were the only two issues that at least seven out of 10 Americans called a top priority.
Those two areas have been Americans’ top concerns throughout President Obama’s time in the Oval Office, Pew reported.
Well, it’s no wonder they come up on top, because Obama and Congressional Democrats took an economic downturn, something that happens, and made it much, much worse.
A quarter of Americans now find climate change a top concern, down from almost four in 10 in 2007. More than half of Americans named illegal immigration a priority that same year, a figure that has now fallen to 39 percent.
Let’s look at the breakdown (graphic via Watts Up With That?)
It’s actually a shame that the environment has taken a hit, which I blame on Warmists folding real world environmental issues under the banner of “climate change”, causing many people to turn off and tune out. As Anthony Watts writes
It appears that only the zealots care much about global warming anymore, yet it doesn’t stop them from making grand pronouncements of gloom and doom or taking fossil fueled publicity stunt boat trips to Antarctica.
Perhaps all the Warmists should go live in sustainable communities which rely on no modern conveniences that put out CO2. Which pretty much means freezing to death in caves.