OK, I’ll admit, I only watched about 5 minutes of Obama’s SOTU speech. I’d been watching the NJ Devils lose in OT, and inadvertently hit the recall button on the remote, which took me to Fox News. A few minutes in, I decided that I really didn’t want to attend an Obama campaign speech, so, unlike Congressional Republicans, I could decide to refuse to attend the campaign rally. Anyhow, apparently the theme of of Obama 2012 is “An America Built To Last”. I assume that means he wants us all to be blue collar workers repaving roads, painting bridges, and building airports and golf course for the elite Democrats to use. But, like a Chevy Volt, Obama’s America tends to catch on fire.
Anyhow, The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza called the speech a “confrontation wrapped in kumbaya”
At first listen, President Obama’s State of the Union address had all the hallmarks of the sort of bipartisan, let’s-do-the-right-thing-for-America tone that characterized his 2008 presidential campaign.
Probably because it was a campaign speech, in which Obama has proved further that he is only interested in being president of some Americans, and not others.
But, listen closer and a more hard-edged, challenging tone reveals itself— a preview of what the incumbent will likely sound like as he seeks a second term this November.
“We’ve come too far to turn back now,†said Obama at one point. “As long as I’m President, I will work with anyone in this chamber to build on this momentum. But I intend to fight obstruction with action, and I will oppose any effort to return to the very same policies that brought on this economic crisis in the first place.â€
First, those policies were primarily Democrat ones, and who was in charge of Congress when the economy went south? Yup, Democrats. Second, if we do not turn back now, we’ll end up going over the falls like Greece, Italy, and other European countries.
Later, he offered an even more blunt challenge: “With or without this Congress, I will keep taking actions that help the economy grow.†He also repeatedly urged Congress to “send me a billâ€, making clear that the ball, legislatively and politically, was in their court.
Well, gee wiz, Barry, the House GOP has passed over 30 economic bills which are languishing in the Democrat controlled Senate. Perhaps you should have a talk with Harry Reid, ya think? But, I guess it is easier for Obama to mimic Hugo Chavez then Bill Clinton, who mostly played well with others and realized that the game is about leadership and compromise, rather than abusing one’s political opponents and becoming a tin pot dictator.
Obama even had the temerity to whine at the Republicans for not immediately passing the payroll extension for a whopping two months, and he wants a long term extension, which is what Republicans wanted in the first place.
Anyhow, over at Speaker Boehner’s website, we find a few things Obama didn’t say during his 7,000 word campaign speech
“My policies are hurting families and small businesses, and making the economy worse.†Since President Obama took office, 1.7 million fewer Americans have jobs, gas prices have doubled, and families have endured nearly three years of an 8 percent or higher jobless rate.
“I’m to blame for the failure of my policies to create jobs and strengthen our economy.†President Obama has resorted to the politics of division, blaming everything and everyone from Congress to his predecessors to the American people to ATMs for his poor economic record.
“I have listened to the American people and will approve the Keystone XL energy pipeline.†The Keystone project, which would create at least 20,000 new jobs in manufacturing and construction, is supported by lawmakers in both parties, labor unions, governors, and editorial boards across the country. And US News reports most Americans want the pipeline built too.
“My own hand-picked jobs council has urged me to embrace the Republican approach to job creation – and I’m going to take their advice.†Not only does the president’s jobs council report align with the Republican approach to creating new private-sector jobs, it reflects legislation already passed by the House and awaiting action in the Democratic-controlled Senate. See here.
Along with a few more. Oh, and apparently Obama didn’t take the time discuss his signature legislation, Obamacare. He ignored it. I wonder why?
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

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