Obama is not particularly happy when people write bad things about him, because he is the anointed one. He’s the only one that can say bad things about people and/or throw them under the bus. Everyone else is just supposed to sit there and take it when Obama bad mouths them (see SOTU 2010 when he abused the Supreme Court for one)
(The Politico) It was a tense moment on the tarmac.
President Obama, alighting from the stairs of Air Force One in Phoenix this afternoon, was greeted by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who handed him an envelope and the two exchanged what appeared to be some heated sentiments. At one point, she pointed her finger at him.
Asked afterward what happened, Brewer said, “He was a little disturbed about my book, Scorpions for Breakfast.
“I said to him that I have all the respect in the world for the office of the president. The book is what the book is. I asked him if he read the book. He said he read the excerpt,” she said, according to a pool report. “He didn’t feel that I had treated him cordially. I said I was sorry he felt that way but I didn’t get my sentence finished. Anyway, we’re glad he’s here. I’ll regroup.”
She didn’t get her sentence finished because Testy President decided he would walk away. Since Obama and the Democrats continually blame Bush, imagine the way Bush would be treated had Bush pulled this stunt with a sitting US governor in their own state…..except, Bush wouldn’t pull this.
The pool reporter, POLITICO’s Carrie Budoff Brown, said the scene was far from the norm. Aside from the pointing, they appeared to talk over each other and he appeared to walk away from her while they were still talking.
Brewer said the president brought up the book.
The book includes a passage in which Obama wasn’t particularly cordial to Brewer (via Hot Air)
“It was though President Obama thought he could lecture me, and I would learn at his knee,†the governor wrote, calling his tone “patronizing.â€
“He thinks he can humor me and then get rid of me,†Brewer wrote.
Questioned about the different description, the governor said she did not lie.
“I mean, we weren’t yelling at one another, screaming at one another,†she said.
“But it was a pretty one-sided conversation,†Brewer said. “He was, I believe, condescending. And he was lecturing me about what we were going to do and how we were going to do it.â€
As Allahpundit writes, being condescending, patronizing, and testy just sounds so unlike Obama. Doug Powers points out that Obama has had a similar exchange with Bobby Jindal. Wizbang wonders why Obama is so touchy. Nice Deb has lots of videos. Unshockingly, Outside The Beltway says Brewer was wrong for not just sitting there and taking Obama’s scolding. I guess she should have also gotten back in the kitchen and made Obama a sandwich, too.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

If he wasn’t surrounded by Secret Service she’d have kicked his ass up and down the tarmac
[…] Testy President Gets Testy With Gov. Jan Brewer » Pirate's Cove Says: January, 26, 2012 at 7:33 am […]
Yeah, because the excerpt is the same as reading the whole thing just as reading the preamble to the Constitution is the same as reading and understanding its provisions.
“imagine the way Bush would be treated had Bush pulled this stunt with a sitting US governor in their own state”
Imagine the way a liberal governor would have been treated for greeting President Bush in the same manner. Finger pointing. Governor Brewer is a crass idiot. She was before this incident. And this incident reinforces it.
You dumbasses are so blinded by your bigotry and assholery that you can’t even think critically.
Obama: “Nice state ya got here; be a shame if sumpin was to happen to it. Things break ya know; accidents happen…”
Comment by Svenster
You are delusional. I’d feel sorry for you if your dumbass wasn’t dragging the rest of the country down with you.
The press would have applauded the governor and called them “brave.” They would have pointed out how the governor was the intellectual superior of Bush.
HOWEVER…..Bush never would have broached the subject of the book in public. Bush would have been much more tactful. He would have congratulated the person for writing a book, and then voiced an objection to the excerpt – but not the book unless he had read the book.
That is really the major difference. Bush took being criticized by people as part of the job. Obama feels that he can criticize others with impunity and have to react with force when he is criticized.
Did the guy in the mirror respond to you when you said this?
Thing is, Bush never treated another Governor with such disrespect. In fact, can anyone find any article in which Bush showed a lack of respect for a political foe? Despite all the attacks on Bush, he, unfortunately, never responded. He even stood up for the hyper-insane attacks coming from Cindy Sheehan as free speech.
Obama, on the other hand, seems to go out of his way to insult not only domestic political foes, but American allies around the world.
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