Can we even term this leading from behind? He may be a “leader”, based on his position he purchased, but leading denotes guiding, directing, showing the way. Interestingly, a synonym of leading is “ruling.” Anyhow
(Politico) President Barack Obama — in an act of hypocrisy or necessity, depending on the beholder — has reversed course and is now blessing the efforts of a sputtering super PAC, Priorities USA Action, organized to fight GOP dark-money attacks.
Pure hypocrisy, and, what the hell is “dark-money attacks”? Looks like Glenn Thrush is offering up stealth raaaaacism.
On Monday morning, Obama reviled the “negative†tone of the super PACs, a dominant fundraising source in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. But by the evening, word leaked to POLITICO that Obama had offered his support for Priorities USA Action, which thus far has raised a fraction of what GOP-backed groups have raked in.
Obama’s top campaign staff and even some Cabinet members will appear at super PAC events. The president himself will not address super PAC donors, although there’s nothing to legally prohibit the president, first lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden from expressing their support for the group — as GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney has done for his own pet super PAC.
But, Mitt has never complained about Super PACs, especially since Team Obama has talked about raising $1 billion for the 2012 election as a stated goal.
Over at the re-coronation website of Mr. 1%, they are officially rationalizing the need for Super PACs for Obama, where
Interesting. Syria plays by a different set of rules. So does North Korea, Al Qaeda, and Iran. Canada has different rules, as does England, France, and Greece. Does this mean we should play by those rules because they do?
The (Citizens United) decision has accelerated a dangerous trend toward a political system increasingly dominated by big-money interests with disproportionate power to spend freely to influence our elections and our government.
Jim Messina writes that this is a “dangerous trend”, so, instead of the POTUS leading and refusing to take their money and help, having railed against them for over a year now, he’s going to capitulate and become part of that “dangerous trend”. The rest is rationalizing the need for Obama to dump his year long whines against Super PACs, because they have “accepted the reality of the law as it currently stands” and it’s “consistent with the law.”
Meanwhile, other Super PACs established for the sole purpose of defeating the President—along with “nonprofits” that also aren’t required to disclose the sources of their funding—have raised more than $50 million. In the aggregate, these groups are expected to spend half a billion dollars, above and beyond what the Republican nominee and party are expected to commit to try to defeat the President.
Well, yeah, that’s the point of an election: defeating the other campaign.
With so much at stake, we can’t allow for two sets of rules in this election whereby the Republican nominee is the beneficiary of unlimited spending and Democrats unilaterally disarm.
This from the guy who wants to raise a billion dollars. The guy who disabled the credit card verification system during the 2008 election. The guy who has the backing of super rich guys like George Soros and Peter Lewis. The guy who has the backing of all the unions. Hollywood. The teachers. Lawyers. 90% of the news media. All the people sitting on welfare being taken care of by the Central Government. The companies which he has purchased. Sounds like unilateral disarmament, eh?
This is Barack Obama in a nutshell: no principles.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Hope and Change.
This man is a lying 2 faced deceiver. He is all about power. All about corruption. All about changing America while HE lives in Opulance.
Hope and Change.
Yeah….I hope we change who lives in the White House cause this guy is not about results….he is about dividing America into the rich and the poor the haves and the have nots…..the uppper class and lower class……making it a crime to be wealthy and to succeed………
In the land of opportunity it is a crime….a sin….evil……to succeed, to have to want more………..
While he succeeds, has and wants more.
He is a liar…..He needs to be put into retirement so he can continue to preach about the evils of the right while living in luxury.
Liberals like Obama have no principles. It’s all narcissism, and they have to force it on everyone else.
Really? Where are the principles in a GOP that has not, in 3+ years, offered a single policy initiative, that would hold millions of Americans hostage and jobless so that it can cost one guy his job? They are non-existent and I suspect you know it.
Actually, Dan, the GOP has offered a wide variety of legislation, even when they were the minority party for 4 straight years. And were blocked by Democrats. Now that they control the House, the Dem senate is refusing to take up the legislation.
[…] campaign’s designer fundraising effort may be running afoul of election laws. But we all know the Democrats believe election laws are for others to follow.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ […]
it’s imperative! The supreme court created this mess!
I love the way GOP blames Obama. Look in the mirror and ask W where are all the jobs! He arrived with a surplus and left us with a deficit! That’s a fact!!!
Where is W? Republicans never bring him up! The have to go back 30 years and praise reagan! The great W is stuck in some hole like like fallen Iraq leader!
I love the fact that republicans are rallying around a moderate liberal universall health care republication! Bring back perry, palin or even better yet stand behind trump…. But don’t forget to bring ur birth certificates ( the long form$
Republicans are the fraud!!! They are the party of do as I say not as I do!
You betcha! Pucker up and don’t forget to put on ur lipstick
Typical right-wing bullpuckey. take advantage of every loophole in the books — go fully anti-American in letting a few billionaires decide who gets the GOP nomination — and then cry foul when those despicable tactics force the Democrats to follow suit.
The GOP can’t afford a level playing field, because on that kind of field, they get their heads handed to them. So they do all they can to disenfranchise voters (most of whom would vote Democratic if the GOP didn’t steal their rights), wipe out unions (the only large-group organizations who support Democrats fairly consistently), and all manner of shenanigans to get whatever illegal edge they can.
Stop your freaking whining, dude. The GOP and its subsidiary, the Supreme Court, started this. Don’ whine now when the President reluctantly ends up playing by the new rules you invented.
Yet more Liberals who rationalize Obama being a hypocrite.
Obama has been leading from his behind for the past three years and one month. I for one am sick of the stench of it.
I’d like to see just one decent lefty tell the truth- this is Obama’s Nixon moment- when he sided with the devil to keep his seat of power.
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