Obviously, this is bad in Warmist world
- For some wild critters, the mild winter was much needed and should provide plenty of healthy deer, pheasants and turkeys heading into spring. After difficult winters the previous two years, mortality should be minimal this winter.
- Unusually warm winter keeps fish biting
- It’s not imaginary: This winter has turned out to be much warmer than usual, and that is translating into big bucks for coastal communities.
We’re doomed.

It also does not kill off many of the bugs and spiders. Due to the nasty winters of 2009 and 2010, spider were nearly absent this summer.
They will be back with a vengeance this summer unless we have a nice hard freeze this month.
[…] Did you know? That a mild winter is pretty good for just about everybody and everything; except for Global Warmists that is. […]
Yeah, there is that. I hate spiders. Though, I did have some really big ones. Had a garden spider out front that was almost the size of my hand.