Seriously, why would anyone have a problem with a group that pushes Sharia law and refuses to condemn Islamic terrorist groups?
(Fox News) Parents in Tampa are the latest to protest school officials inviting a controversial Muslim civil liberties advocacy group to speak to students.
Dozens of people showed up at a Hillsborough County school board meeting Tuesday night to complain that a member of Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, spoke to history students at Steinbrenner High School last fall. They cited the group’s past connection to a terror financing case involving the terrorist group Hamas. The group, which purports to promote diversity and tolerance of the religion, has met a similar reception in Texas and Georgia in recent years.
Obviously, this means the parents are Islamaphobes and haters
CAIR spokesman Corey Saylor dismissed the criticism as “fear-mongering.†Hassan Shibly, the Florida CAIR member who spoke to the students, said the parents are misguided.
“This hatred and animosity only shows the importance of reaching out to the community,†he said, “It’s insulting to the school and the students to think that one person can influence their beliefs. It’s misleading.”
How many have been influenced by “one person” to become homicide bombers for Mohammed?

Linked at mz place