All I see are the humongous storage tanks for CO2 and sulfur-spewing oil products. What is SHE doing there, anyway? She’s just going to drink all the precious water and belch and fart out more CO2. This picture makes me feel awful.
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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warn a guy why don’t ya
(but thanks)
All I see are the humongous storage tanks for CO2 and sulfur-spewing oil products. What is SHE doing there, anyway? She’s just going to drink all the precious water and belch and fart out more CO2. This picture makes me feel awful.
Uhhh, I see a girl who can’t hit her own mouth with a drink of water?
OK, now this is just a guess on my part, but judging from the “If all you can see” series, you’re not gay, are you?
Negative. But, how do you know I’m not actually a woman pretending…….?
So, “teach”… that would mean, your a man pretending to be a lesbian, or you are a woman pretending to not be.
ok, I’m confused.
So, is this all a ruse or… a ploy?
I think it means he’s a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.