As The Reference Frame points out, we already knew these people were a bit nuts, but, a peer reviewed study proves it
(Sky News….interestingly, they put this in the “offbeat news” section)Concern about climate change usually centres on rising sea levels, melting ice caps and drought.
But an Australian study has found people with obsessive compulsive disorders (OCDs) can harbour very different worries – from fear of termites gobbling up their homes to concerns about thirsty cats.
The study, by University of Sydney researchers, is believed to be the first in the world to document how exposure to information and media reports about climate change can influence people with OCDs.
‘We suggest that mental health professionals need to be aware of, and assess for the presence of such concerns,’ the study, led by Dr Mairwen Jones, recommends.
Dr Jones, and her co-researchers at University of Sydney’s Anxiety Disorders Clinic, studied 50 people with OCDs and found 14 (28 per cent) had concerns directly related to climate change.
The most common were about wasting water, electricity and gas, often leading to constant checking light switches, taps and stoves.
Other concerns were more out of the ordinary.
‘Two of the 14 participants were concerned that increased air temperatures would result in rapid evaporation of the water in their pet bowls,’ the study found.
This led them to constantly check their pets had enough water.
OK, it’s not a particularly big sample of people. But, it shows the problems associated with the constant drumbeat from Warmists and the media that we’re doooooooooomed. Over to the study page:
….Compulsions included checking and rechecking pet water bowls, light switches, taps, stoves, skirting boards, pipes, roofs and wooden structures. While these behaviours are not particularly unusual for people with this condition, it was the rationale they provided for carrying them out that was surprising. Instead of checking and rechecking so as to prevent fire or flood, the rituals were specifically performed so as to reduce their global footprint, or respond to climate change-induced negative events.
Our findings demonstrate that the types of obsessions and compulsions experienced by 28% of our sample were directly aligned with the current issue of climate change and the perceived dangers associated with this phenomenon.
So, the drumbeat is making people OCD. Good job, Warmists!
I got you beat. Ohio is now saying that their earthquakes are being caused by fracking and insertion of contaminated water. RIGHT.
They forget that earthquakes occur due to plate shift and that multiple quakes are occurring about the US in preparation for the big one in Memphis.