I for one see nothing wrong with that flooded world.
Here’s a question… How many decades have we heard that we are not utilizing our oceans? How many theories came out about how we could farm the ocean floor? So???? Why don’t we?
If the world floods, then can’t we just farm the ocean floor like the liberals want us to?
If so, then why is having more ocean a bad thing?
Wait, aren’t we supposed to be living in bubble-colonies on the sea floor by now?
drowningpuppies on Comrade Sanders Clashes With RFK, Jr Over Climate Doom: “RFK, Jr. shit all over Bernie and Pocahontas about taking millions from Big Pharma. https://nypost.com/video/rfk-jr-gets-into-fiery-exchange-with-sen-sanders-on-big-pharma-contributions-in-congress/ Bwaha! Lolgfy Losers! MAGA47 Mothefucker!” Jan 30, 21:06
david7134 on If All You See…: “He needs to learn when to keep his penis sheath shut.” Jan 30, 20:08
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “How Rimjob can be so idiotically cavalier about the tragic deaths of 67 people is beyond reason. The asshole is…” Jan 30, 20:05
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Despicable He,Il Douche, champion of ridding us of federal workers, blames President Biden for the tragedy, yet there were ZERO…” Jan 30, 19:34
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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What I see is a well-dressed bathing beauty! Maybe the world, being flooded, prevented the growth of bibers from which to weave fabric?
I for one see nothing wrong with that flooded world.
Here’s a question… How many decades have we heard that we are not utilizing our oceans? How many theories came out about how we could farm the ocean floor? So???? Why don’t we?
If the world floods, then can’t we just farm the ocean floor like the liberals want us to?
If so, then why is having more ocean a bad thing?
Wait, aren’t we supposed to be living in bubble-colonies on the sea floor by now?
Mr Brains, I certainly see something wrong with that world; they didn’t teach the young lady where to hold her arms!