No, seriously, he really tries this
(Fox News) While making his push for solar, Obama explained to a reporter for National Public Radio that the blame for Solyndra was bipartisan and not the fault of the Obama Democrats “per se.”
“Congress, Democrats and Republicans, put together a loan guarantee program because they understood historically that when you get new industries, it’s easy to get money for new startups,” Obama said. “But if you want to take them to scale, often there is a lot of risk involved and what the loan guarantee program was designed to do was to help start-up companies get to scale.”
Except, as usual, Obama has his facts 100% wrong
The 2009 stimulus package that provided the funding for a loan of $527 million for Solyndra, which subsequently defaulted, got zero Republican votes in the House and three Republican votes in the Senate — Maine Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and former Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, who switched parties two months after the vote. There was no Republican input on the structuring of the energy loan program and the specific loan to Solyndra was a Democratic job from start to finish.
Even ABC News’ Devin Dwyer calls BS on this, reiterating the above paragraph, and adding
During a May 2010 visit to Solyndra, Obama explicitly credited the Recovery Act with supporting the company’s early success.
The man is shameless.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.
How about him stumping and taking credit for the new OK oil pipeline?
He shut down the whole town and the main highways around it for 6 hours just to pump something that he had nothing to do with.
Had Solyndra been a success, I guarantee you that the Republicans would have had nothing to do with it!
Politicians are inherently narcissistic, but this guy ratcheses it up to a new level.