Monthly Archives: March 2012

Obama Weekly Address: “Soon You’ll Be Able To Only Afford To Fill Up Every Two Weeks!”

He’s still beating the “alternative energy will help save you money sometime in the future” drum, though he’s not particularly concerned with rising gas prices now Hi, everybody. I’m speaking to you this week from a factory in Petersburg, Virginia, where they’re bringing on more than 100 new workers to build parts for the next […]

Good News! Government Spends $10 Million To Stimulate a $50 Light Bulb

The same people who can afford to drive a Volt (and have the limo pick them up when it runs out of charge) will be the ones purchasing this idiocy (Washington Post) The U.S. government last year announced a $10 million award, dubbed the “L Prize,” for any manufacturer that could create a “green” but […]

If All You See…

…is an evil Gaia killing hamburger which No-one Else should eat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Eye Of Polyphemus.

Why, Yes, The Climate Change Hoax Is Creating OCD

As The Reference Frame points out, we already knew these people were a bit nuts, but, a peer reviewed study proves it (Sky News….interestingly, they put this in the “offbeat news” section)Concern about climate change usually centres on rising sea levels, melting ice caps and drought. But an Australian study has found people with obsessive […]

Washington Post Writer Who Lied About Rush Gives B*tchy Apology

In case you missed it, the WP’s Alexandra Petri wrote on the 7th Advertisers learned something about Rush Limbaugh’s demographic this week. “Here we thought lots of pleasant, upstanding people were listening to and enjoying the rational things Rush had to say,” dozens of companies said. “Apparently not.” It turns out that people who really, […]

White House Quietly Works To Shape Debate On ObamaCare

Interestingly, Obama still mostly avoids any mention of ObamaCare in his campaign speechs (which is pretty much every appearance he makes), but, he puts his only real knowledge, community agitation, er, organizing, to work (NY Times) The White House has begun an aggressive campaign to use approaching Supreme Court arguments on the new health care […]

Snap! Temporary Pause In Volt Production Is A Good Thing!

It’s lengths that Volt fanboys will go to defend this POS…..well, except purchase one for themselves (EV World) The five-week shutdown of the Volt production line is a good thing for plug-in vehicles because it will help align production with demand and keep GM’s revenue on the vehicles higher and fund ongoing vehicle development. Here’s […]

International Women’s Day Highlights Women Being Too Weak And Slow To Outrun Trace Gas Necessary For Life

Via Tom Nelson, whose headline was better “Bummer: Women allegedly can’t run fast enough to escape the alleged dangers of carbon dioxide” (Green Fudge)….wait, Green Fudge? It’s probably because I’m writing this in the a.m. for posting later, but, that brings a disturbingly disgusting image to mind…..anyhow ……. While the cumulative effects of rising global […]

If All You See…

…is heat created snow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Five Feet of Fury.

Islamist Who Want to Get All Beheady To Appear In Court

This has apparently shocked the Triangle area Muslim community. I’m not quite sure why, perhaps they haven’t been paying attention to what some have been doing in the name of their religion (Raleigh N&O) A woman accused of working with a Triangle man convicted of conspiring to commit terror to arrange murder of three witnesses […]

Pirate's Cove