This comes from a press release by David Whitehouse, featured over at Climate Realists
New UK Met Office global temperature data confirms that the world has not warmed in the past 15 years.
Analysis by the GWPF of the newly released HadCRUT4 global temperature database shows that there has been no global warming in the past 15 years – a timescale that challenges current models of global warming.
The graph shows the global annual average temperature since 1997. No statistically significant trend can be discerned from the data. The only statistically acceptable conclusion to be drawn from the HadCRUT4 data is that between 1997 – 2011 it has remained constant, with a global temperature of 14.44 +/- 0.16 deg C (2 standard deviations.)
The important question is whether 15 years is a sufficient length of time from which to draw climatic conclusions that are usually considered over 30 years, as well as its implications for climate projections.
The IPCC states that anthropogenic influences on the climate dominated natural ones sometime between 1960 – 80.The recent episode of global warming that occurred after that transition began in 1980. The world has warmed by about 0.4 deg C in this time. Whilst we live in the warmest decade of the instrumental era of global temperature measurement (post-1880), and the 90s were warmer than the 80s, the world has not got any warmer in the last 15 years.
So, despite worldwide CO2 going up, the trend is essentially flatlined. So much for the Warmist’s vaunted computer models. Read the whole thing, and check the graph.

The problem is that most intelligent people understand this. But the liberals will just ignore the data and continue to preach the message. The liberals seem to like the fact that if you repeat a lie enough, then it is the truth.
Does this mean you’re going to stop posting the ‘warming’ chicks?
It’s all liberals are left with, belief. Facts are not on their side, but they still need a way to fleece the public.
Not going to stop, RR.