Here’s your Smartest President Evah!!!!1!!!
(Washington Times) President Obama’s conference on women got off to an awkward start Friday when Mr. Obama seemed to play on some throwback stereotypes about women lacking professional decorum in his opening remarks.
“I was going to head over here earlier, and they said, no, no, this place is full of women and they’re still settling down,” Mr. Obama told the room. “I said, what do you mean settling down? What are they doing over there? Just creating havoc.”
He receives a bit of awkward laughter, then, get a load of the reactions by the women standing behind them. The African American lady off to the right of the screen seems to closer her eyelids and sigh.
“It makes me feel right at home, although usually, I’ve got my wingman Bo with me,” he said, referring to the Obama family dog.
The Bo-as-wingman remark elicited only tepid laughter from the women in the room, who may have still been wondering exactly what the president meant by his strange opening lines.
So, he brought his dog to the conference? Oh, and Joe Biden. Both tend to make messes.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

“It makes me feel right at home, although usually, I’ve got my wingman Bo with me,†he said, referring to the Obama family dog.
I got to the end of the quote and thought “why does Michelle Obama have the the nickname ‘Bo?'”
It is amazing that Limbaugh gets lambasted for calling out a woman for wanting to be paid to have sex, but the Chancellor Resident gets clean away with misogynistic comments directly to a women’s forum.
How callous and egotistical can one get? Well, he surprises us each and every time when he outdoes himself.
Can we please vote in that shoe now?
[…] Pirate’s Cove: Obama Starts Off Women’s Forum By Patronizing Them […]