Via The Hill
Rick Santorum dropped out of the presidential race Tuesday afternoon, essentially guaranteeing Mitt Romney the GOP nomination.
Santorum announced that he is suspending his campaign at an event in his home state of Pennsylvania —his first public appearance following the release of his daughter Bella from the hospital and after he took a break from the campaign trail for a long Easter weekend.
Part of the reason was his daughter’s sickness, part is dropping poll number, particularly in Pennsylvania. He gave it a good run, but, just not enough to close the deal.
Now we await Newt and Ron Paul dropping out, but, they both seem to want to gum up the works.
It’s time to get on the road to defeating Obama. If you can’t get behind Mitt, get behind the notion of Anybody But Obama.

It’s funny how Obama has barely even campaigned this year. He hasn’t had to. The Republicans this year are so fucking insane, “not being any of them” is a perfectly valid reason to be President.
It’s funny how Obama has barely even campaigned this year.
Obama has never stopped campaigning.
Every place he goes in the US he makes a campaign stop to raise money or take a shot at the Republicans.
Please try to stay up on events.
“It’s funny how Obama has barely even campaigned this year.”
Have you looked at the news in the last, oh, year? He has done nothing BUT campaign – and blame everyone but himself for the horrible state this country is in. Because God knows he can’t run on his horrible record.
In a couple of months, people will have forgotten all about the Republican infighting and be desperate for anyone to deliver them from the clutches of this Liberal nightmare. And why? Well, in the last three and a half years let’s remember that this administration currently hosted record deficits, record unemployment, record number of people on food stamps, record death toll for US troops in Afghanistan, record foreclosures, record trade deficits, record spending, record number of golf games for a president, gas/food/clothing prices skyrocketing, record number of seats lost for the Democrats in the 2010 election, record number of months with unemployment above 8%, on the verge of war with Iran, quietly stirring up a race war, still engaged in spying on US citizens, keeping GTMO open, NSA secret wiretaps and internet eavesdropping, using Executive Order to assassinate Americans overseas, Gunwalker, Solyndra, green energy scandals, and a record number of unelected, unaccountable czars.
Yet, he’s spent around $150 million so far on his unopposed primary, to Mitt Romney’s $75 million. He’s held several dozen campaign events this year alone. On March 16, he held 5 in one day. He held 3 today (Tuesday). He held several last week. He’s averaging something like 7 a week this whole year.
He has the bully pulpit of the White House, and uses official white house time to campaign.
But, he’s barely campaigning.
The only thing that Obama knows HOW to do is campaign and is actually pretty good at selling himself. He is a well trained community organizer who knows how to convince people to do and support things that are not necessarily good for them! In the early months of his presidency, he campaigned ever harder for his failed and miserable healthcare bill, even though it will be bad medicine for the nation, and less than one third of the people want it. Yup, he has not once stopped campaigning for himself in the past 5 years. Pretty sad.
Romney has to focus on getting the American message out to the people- that we are not a nation of slackers and takers, that we are not a nation of doomsayers and discontents; that we are a nation of opportunity, strength and a nation of achievement.