In all fairness, Obama may be a terrible and completely incompetent president, but the guy does know how to campaign, so, I think we can assume that he’s simply throwing a bone to his unhinged lefty base
(The Hill) President Obama is vowing to make the case for action on global warming during the 2012 campaign.
“I suspect that over the next six months, this is going to be a debate that will become part of the campaign, and I will be very clear in voicing my belief that we’re going to have to take further steps to deal with climate change in a serious way,†Obama told Rolling Stone magazine in a newly published interview.
Sorry, Warmists, Obama’s not that stupid. He’s paying lip service and attempting to get you excited, but, it won’t happen. He knows that this is a loser issue. All he needs do is look at what happened to the Queensland Labor Party…well, they aren’t really a recognized party anymore, having lost so many seats. And the last thing Obama wants is even more Democrats avoiding him during this election cycle. It’s not even a good issue to deflect from his atrocious record.
Besides, I don’t think his political base really gives a damn about the environment, as the First Street Journal points out.

[…] Obama eating dogs.So, what went wrong with the Gingrich campaign? (What didn’t?)Great news! Obama’s going to make climate change an issue in the 2012 election.John Edwards is a sleaze.Democrats being Democrats – buying votes and redistributing […]
Clowns. Perfect. Of course he’s pushing the green agenda, go back and visit Glenn Beck’s shows about Van Jones, the original green jobs czar. He was pushing for social justice and other socialist agendas, until he was booted from his czardom. He is still furthering his agenda and if anyone thinks he’s not a frequent visitor to the WH, or in touch with NMP, you’re only fooling yourself. These are dangerous men with dangerous ideals, and they are hell bent on destroying our economy in the name of AGW. They can accomplish so much more, if only they can convince us that we are bad, are doing bad things to Gaia. And they will use every tactic they can do enforce their own agenda.