Doesn’t filing lawsuits use up quite a bit of paper, meaning trees that could otherwise be ingesting CO2 will die?
(Bozeman Daily Chronicle) Few adults would stand alone to challenge powerful interests for a cause, but dozens of young people across the nation are doing just that for their entire generation.
Saturday’s graduation at Montana State University, a major life event for many, may be somewhat ho-hum for John Thiebes, who has already represented his generation as a plaintiff in a Montana Supreme Court case to protect the earth’s atmosphere.
Thiebes is one of several people age 11 to 22 who filed lawsuits against states and the federal government in the past year as part of the Atmospheric Trust Litigation. Organized by the iMatter Campaign, the litigation is part of an effort to compel governments to protect the atmosphere from pollution that is accelerating climate change.
They aren’t willing to practice what they preach unless everyone else is screwed and taxed, too. If they really cared, they lead the way in living a 14th century lifestyle. Take away their iPhones, tablets, computers, DVRa, and gaming systems, and they would all freak out.
Beers plans to file at the district court level. But he is taking his time, trying to find a case that demonstrates the detrimental effects of climate change on Montana residents without entanglements that an opposing attorney could use to sidetrack the issue.
One would think that if ‘climate change’ was so utterly horrible and causing so many problems that it would be easy to find cases all over the place. Guess not.